You can get Misdreavus in the Silver Cave at night time in Pokémon Crystal.
You cannot evolve Misdreavus in Crystal.
The Pokemon Misdreavus does not occur in the wild in Pokemon Platinum. The only way for the player to get a Misdreavus in this game is to have one traded over from another game.
Misdreavus is a Ghost type Pokemon. In Pokemon Pearl, it can be caught in Eterna Forest and in the Lost Tower at night.
Misdreavus is a Ghost type Pokemon available only in Pokemon Pearl (of the fourth generation games). It may be traded over to Pokemon Diamond.
Misdreavus to Mismaguis Murkrow to Honkrow Misdreavus to Mismaguis Murkrow to Honkrow Misdreavus to Mismaguis Murkrow to Honkrow
You cannot evolve Misdreavus in Crystal.
Misdreavus is a Ghost type pokemon.
The Pokemon Misdreavus does not occur in the wild in Pokemon Platinum. The only way for the player to get a Misdreavus in this game is to have one traded over from another game.
ucant catch misdreavus in diamond
you cannot get a misdreavus in Pokemon platinum but you can get it in diamond and pearl.
You find a misdreavus inside cliff cave
Misdreavus is a Ghost type Pokemon. In Pokemon Pearl, it can be caught in Eterna Forest and in the Lost Tower at night.
Misdreavus is on the first page (the one with Chimchar running around), but I think you have to catch the other 16 Pokemon for Misdreavus to appear
Misdreavus cannot be obtained on Pokemon Diamond, so you must trade one from Pokemon Pearl.
You can find a Misdreavus at Mt. Silver during the nighttime.
misdreavus That means that Gallade + Rhyperior + Misdreavus = Triforce!
Misdreavus - Mismagius (if you can get a traded Misdreavus) Murkrow - Honchkrow Lampent - Chandelure