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Q: What things have 3 parts?
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What are the 3 parts of theory?

* The cell is the basic unit of living things

What damages a rectifier?

Rectifiers are electrical parts, all electrical parts are rated for 3 things. 1) voltage 2) current 3) temperature Exceed any of these things and the electrical part will fail.

2 common things one has millions of moving parts the other has no moving parts what are they?

One is a watch, the other could be a range of things but my answer is goin to be table :) <3

What are 3 things robots do during car productions?

Spot weld. Spray paint. Feed parts to assembly line.

What three things are comets made of?

Comets are made of mainly 3 parts -dust tail, ion tail and coma

What 3 things are important when creating bar graph?

I know two parts of making a bar graph is Title, and Labels.

What is the definition of binary?

Compounded or consisting of two things or parts; characterized by two (things)., That which is constituted of two figures, things, or parts; two; duality.

Why do some parts of the constitution have lines through them?

Things are crossed out because certain things in the constitution are now unconstitutional. For instance the area that speaks about slaves being 3/5ths of a person.

What are three things titanium is used to make?

Aicraft parts, Engine parts,Weapon parts

What are the parts of a beetle?

no it has 3 parts

What is 3 parts?

Basic European dressing is 3 parts oil.

What are 3 functions of the bloodstream?

-To carry oxygen to all your cells -To carry cells that fight bacteria -And help carry things to parts of your body