Some items spawn at specific places. Sometimes you can find things dropped by players. For example, lots of players catch fish, then discard them - they simply want to raise their fishing level. Similar with mining.
Accepting, or picking up, free fish or ores isn't the best way to make money; you get relatively little money, and don't get ANY experience. Better get some resources yourself, through mining, woodcutting, or fishing. Even at mining level 1 you can get clay, worth over 100 coins each. Try the mine south-west of Varrock.
Some items spawn at specific places. Sometimes you can find things dropped by players. For example, lots of players catch fish, then discard them - they simply want to raise their fishing level. Similar with mining.
Accepting, or picking up, free fish or ores isn't the best way to make money; you get relatively little money, and don't get ANY experience. Better get some resources yourself, through mining, woodcutting, or fishing. Even at mining level 1 you can get clay, worth over 100 coins each. Try the mine south-west of Varrock.
Some items spawn at specific places. Sometimes you can find things dropped by players. For example, lots of players catch fish, then discard them - they simply want to raise their fishing level. Similar with mining.
Accepting, or picking up, free fish or ores isn't the best way to make money; you get relatively little money, and don't get ANY experience. Better get some resources yourself, through mining, woodcutting, or fishing. Even at mining level 1 you can get clay, worth over 100 coins each. Try the mine south-west of Varrock.
Some items spawn at specific places. Sometimes you can find things dropped by players. For example, lots of players catch fish, then discard them - they simply want to raise their fishing level. Similar with mining.
Accepting, or picking up, free fish or ores isn't the best way to make money; you get relatively little money, and don't get ANY experience. Better get some resources yourself, through mining, woodcutting, or fishing. Even at mining level 1 you can get clay, worth over 100 coins each. Try the mine south-west of Varrock.
Some items spawn at specific places. Sometimes you can find things dropped by players. For example, lots of players catch fish, then discard them - they simply want to raise their fishing level. Similar with mining.
Accepting, or picking up, free fish or ores isn't the best way to make money; you get relatively little money, and don't get ANY experience. Better get some resources yourself, through mining, woodcutting, or fishing. Even at mining level 1 you can get clay, worth over 100 coins each. Try the mine south-west of Varrock.
you can pick flax at lletya, gnome stronghold, or catherby flax field.
pick pocket ham people.
Only if people drop objects, otherwise almost everything is not free.
A member has to option to right-click and then pick-lock the trap door, just wait until you pick-lock successfully to get in.
In RuneScape there are usually no gender-related restrictions, i.e., a girl can wear anything a boy can wear. The real restriction for "elite" stuff is that it is members-only.
First you need an account. You can get a free account by signing up on the RuneScape website. As to things, you can pick up free stuff all over the RuneScape world. You can also do some mining, for example, to get resources you can sell. As of this writing, clay is quite profitable, and it can be obtained at the lowest level of mining.
you can't, or you keep it from when you are a member and it will be called "member's object", have no worth, and if you drop it no one else can pick it up
you cannot. Stuff gained in private servers, cannot be transferred in anyway to your official runescape account.
As far as I know you cant pick grapes there are no such thing
They pick it at random.
Jagex shop since their the creators of RuneScape.
First you need an account. You can get a free account by signing up on the RuneScape website. As to things, you can pick up free stuff all over the RuneScape world. You can also do some mining, for example, to get resources you can sell. As of this writing, clay is quite profitable, and it can be obtained at the lowest level of mining.
nope but if you can get to your grave you can pick you stuff back up this is only if it is still there it will collapse in a few minutes unless somebody has blessed it or fixed it
pick the berries!
Out side the cook's guild or everywhere around runescape except the wilderness part.
train kill stuff