Riolu evolves from happiness. If he's really happy he will evolve. Normally around levels 26-34.
Dawn stone- Male Kirlia evolves into Gallade Female Snorunt evolves into Froslass
Roselia only evolves in Pokemon platinum, diamond, and pearl Roselia evolves into roserade if you use a sun stone on it
only friendship during the day will evolve him
There is no such Pokemon item as a 'Damp Stone'. You may have gotten confused between two different items: The Damp Rock (an item found while digging in the Underground) is not an evolutionary stone. It is a hold item which boosts the number of turns in which the move Rain Dance lasts. This increases the power of Water-type moves and decreases the power of Fire-type moves for the duration of the move (which is extended with the aid of the Damp Stone). The Dawn Stone is an evolutionary stone which only evolves two Pokemon (as of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl). When used on a female Snorunt, the Pokemon evolves into a Froslass. When used on a male Kirlia, the Pokemon evolves into a Gallade. No other Pokemon can evolve from the Dawn Stone.
A Moon Stone evolves Clefairy into Clefable, Nidorina into Nidoqueen, Nidorino into Nidoking, Jigglypuff into Wigglytuff and Skitty into Delcatty.
In Pokemon pearl, misdreveaus evolves into mismagius with a dusk stone. In diamond, murkrow evolves into honchkrow with a dusk stone.
Clefairy is the only Pokemon in pearl that evolves with a moon stone but once you get the national dex you can evolve Jigglypuff, Nidorino, Nidorina & Skitty
Happinny is the only Pokemon that can evolve with the Oval Stone.
The only one I know of is Eevee which evolves into vaporeon.
No stone evolves Burmy in Pokémon Pearl. Burmy evolves at Level 20. A male Burmy evolves into Mothim and a female one evolves into Wormadam.
Dawn stone- Male Kirlia evolves into Gallade Female Snorunt evolves into Froslass
There is no stone that evolves Shieldon.To evolve Shieldon you have to level it up to Lv. 30.
Luxio doesn't evolve by using a stone, it evolves in lvl 30 in a Luxray
Lombre, Evee, Shellder, Staryu.
A dawn stone will evolve a male kirlia and a snowrunt into a frosslass
As of Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, the Pokemon that evolve via Water Stone are: * Poliwhirl (evolves into Poliwrath) * Shellder (evolves into Cloyster) * Staryu (evolves into Starmie) * Eevee (evolves into Vaporeon) and * Lombre (evolves into Ludicolo)