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Mountain Dew has 46g of sugar. This is the highest that I know of. Pepsi has 41g of sugar.

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Q: What soda has the highest level of fructose?
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Which soda brand contains the highest level of carbon dioxide compared to others?

The soda brand that contains the highest level of carbon dioxide compared to others is typically Coca-Cola.

How many gallons of high fructose corn syrup is produced in US every year?

High fructose syrup production for 2013 was in excess of 9 billion tons. The average American consumes over 50 gallons of soda, one of the highest users of high fructose syrup.

How much fructose is in diet soda?


What is the pH level of fructose?

The pH level of fructose is around 5.9, making it slightly acidic.

Which soda eats the most enamel off your teeth?

any soda with high fructose corn syrup

Does orange soda has high fructose corn syrup?

yes, the majority of any sodas contain high fructose corn syrup.

Which soda has the highest pH level?

Generally, soda has a low pH level due to its acidic nature. Among popular sodas, Sprite has been reported to have a relatively higher pH level compared to others like Coca-Cola or Pepsi.

What makes regular soda different from diet soda?

The main factor is the sweetening agent. Regular soda sweetens with high fructose corn syrup or sugar. Diet soda uses aspartame

Which drink grows the best out of water soda and juice?

We believe that it cannot be juice due to high fructose,but water and soda has less sugar .

What is the predominant sweetener used in formulating beverages?

Sugar for regular soda, and aspartame for diet soda. Sometimes Splenda is used in diet soda.

What foods have fructose?

Fructose is a type of simple sugar. Some major sources of fructose are high fructose corn syrup, fruit and vegetables.

What ingredients are typically found in soda?

Soda typically contains carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup or sugar, artificial flavors, and caffeine.