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he highest level right this moment is jeffume

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Q: What is the highest level on WeeWorld?
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there is no limit :)

Who is the highest level on WeeWorld?

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On WeeWorld how do you use level boosters what do you do?

weeworld gives you vireses they also swear on it and you can go on it from the age 3 just like i am

How do you level up fast on WeeWorld?

You Have To do Nofin Lol I Joke Yhu

How do you get more level boosters on WeeWorld?

You do it by doing trophies, sending gifts chatting in world and more

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The highest level is level 20.

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The highest level is level 20.

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The highest level Is 80.

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Who is CleoMeo the cweeture on weeworld?

its a cat on weeworld

How do you recover your WeeWorld email?

by asking weeworld

Does AOL have WeeWorld?

Aim(aol) has a weeworld app that connects you weeworld to your aim which also makes your weeworld avatar like the one you see on the website