If you are washing it in a sink or bathtub I would use shampoo. If I was it in a the washer...probably tide! Thats what I use!
how to use wish tokens on webkinz
To clean Speed Stacks, use dish-washing soap and rinse. Dry with a clean dry cloth. Do not use abrasive household cleaners, that will make then stick and not be as fast. Do not wash in dishwasher.
No you can't.
you dig
YES! you need a tub or a sink... i say sinks are for washing faces, brushing hair,and brushing teeth. Get a tub. Any webkinz can do this. Click the tub, your webkinz will go in it. There will be a rubber duck, a shampoo bottle, and a bar of soap. Use all of the objects and hit finish or done and you will find a clean webkinz.;) ~demonoid00~
We use powdered soap in washing machines because it dissolves more easily in water compared to bar soap. Powdered soap also helps to prevent soap scum buildup and residue in the machine, leading to cleaner and more efficient washing. Additionally, powdered soap is designed to work effectively in high-efficiency and front-loading washing machines.
soap what you use to wash dishes in a dish washing mach
Nope - you have to use special dish washing soap
You can if you wish but the dish soap may strip off any wax you may have on the car.
No a front loading washing machine does not need special laundry soap to function.
It is advisable to use pure soap flakes when washing infant apparel. However, if your infant has no signs of any skin conditions, then normal detergent should be fine to use.
It is recommended to provide liquid soap for hand washing as it is more hygienic and easier to use than bar soap. Look for a soap that is gentle on the skin, fragrance-free, and preferably antibacterial to help kill germs effectively.
Any good soap will do it with sufficient washing. If you are concerned about staph infection, use an antibacterial soap.
Use Lux Soap Flakes or you can use a generic brand soap flakes. Make sure you rinse well by hand and then a short spin.
Yes, depending on the type of soap you use.
because hot water kills more germs than washing it with cold water soap is also needed to kill more germs