hold power button on wii remote and the wii goes in to stanby not off
Green= wii is onyellow= wii connect 24 is onred= wii system is off and wii connect 24 is off
YES! Press the Home button on the remote, go down to Wii Remote settings, press A and there should be a Wii Remote sound setting
If you take off the back of the wii remote, you should see a red button. on the wii console, if you open the cover to the left of where you insert the disk on the front. press both of these buttons at the same time(holding the buttons for a few sec.), and if the wii remote has batteries, it should sync the remote to the console.
it shuts off and the tv screen sais line
i would have the tps sensor or the mass air flow sensor those are usaully the symptoms for this
Seems to be a defect, Shuts down every 10 mins. I'm returning mine
If your 2000 Ford Expedition shuts off while driving it you should discontinue use of the vehicle immediately. Then have the vehicle towed to your local dealership or mechanic shop to address the problem,
Yes, Because if you don't then you cant play your wii
Check the connector to the air flow sensor ( should be at or near the air cleaner), it could also be the sensor itself
1. The battery should be loaded completely to 100% 2. then you will have to modify the powersaving profile like following -> hibernation & standby off, disable the options which shuts the machine off when the batt. level off so the machine should shut off when the battery is on 0% 3. Let the machine work for how long the battery lasts 4. After the machine shuts off by itself when the battery is COMPLETELY empty let the battery charge (the notebook should be powered OFF) 5. Check if it worked and repeat it if the result does not satisfy you 6. In case of NO success I would replace the battery,
The flap of skin that shuts off the passage to the lungs is called the epiglottis.
when the sterring wheel is turned sharply to park, the engine shuts off
What do you mean by "what do you do?" If you're talking about what you should do, just do what the Wii says. If you wish to fix it, you have to find out what's causing the problem. Most likely, it's the Wii. If the laser lens inside the Wii gets dirty, then this error is seen while playing Wii games. For help, open this link: http://tinyurl.com/3vsaeq3
Try plugging it into the computer, or hold the button the front till it shuts off that should work.!!. ;))
turn it off and go to a computer store to get it removed before it shuts down your computer
yes because you can soft mod it unlike a 360. if you use homebrew you can take it off the wii