Sexual content? When I played the game I saw nothing of sexual nature. Good luck dude.
sexual content is real nudity sexual themes is like beqeni hope i helped your question
It is rated for "Sexual Content" because in the beginning, when the setting is being explained, it shows the assassin kissing with his girlfriend, which is necessary because it leads into the first mission of escaping the angry father.
Sexual Content meaning is talking about sex, hearing people have sex, involving your character in having sex (usally the screen goes dark). Unless the game is rated X you shouldn't have worries with sexual content, unless your letting your 5 year old play rated M games... then theres a problem. Hope this helps ;)
Hi. The Darkness 2 is a game featuring a lot of blood in it. Most M rated games will have this. As for the strong sexual content that is on the back, it is a little overrated in my opinion. There is absolutely no nudity in it. I have already played through the whole game and at the time I wondered if there was a mistake in the rating. I sent them an email and it turns out the reason why they rated it that way was for the very short scene where you have to chase someone into a brothel and kill a few prostitutes and the man who you chased. Any game where you walk into a brothel (nudity or no nudity, sex or no sex) will automatically fit in the strong sexual content guidelines. On the other hand, this game should be rated sexual content because the main character does talk about having sex at one time and having a child. Besides that, there is nothing else except for the average things you would find in a game with sexual stuff in it. Here are some guidelines by the way if you ever have another question about this again: Sexual Themes: References to sex or sexuality (This can refer to a woman saying you have to beat up her husband for cheating on her.). Sexual Content: Non-explicit or depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including partial nudity ( The name exaggerates it too much. This can result in something like getting down on a bed and making out with clothes on. ). Strong Sexual Content: Frequent depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including nudity. ( -Now pay close attention. The nudity would only appear if it specifically says "nudity" on the back of it- Every AO rated game filed has strong sexual content. Strong sexual content is really different between each game you play. You will often see games that are rated M like "Heavy Rain" "The Darkness 2" "RDR" and so on. None of these contain sex scenes but each have some sexual things in them. I will only say this once... ANY game that has sex of ANY kind is rated AO. No game that is rated M is allowed to have sex in it.
The PC version is rated AO (Adults Only), for blood and gore, intense violence, strong sexual content, strong language, use of drugs/ The other version is rated M (mature), for the same things.
It is appropiate if you skip the sexual content?
No it does not. The only reason it was called FarCry 2 was to increase sales because of the success of their first two games.
The only games I know of right now are FarCry 2 Infamous 2 and FarCry 3 (not out yet).
because they swear.
for me i do sometimes
yes it is multiplayer and it is great
no it does not
around 50 hours if you do not rush
around when you are 80% done story mode
I'm not telling you, pervert.