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sexual content is real nudity sexual themes is like beqeni hope i helped your question

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Q: What is the difference between sexual content and sexual themes in video games?
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What are the sexual themes in SWTOR?

As far as sexual themes within the game, few if any. However, gamer chat can get quite crude.

Is there anything sexual in the Darkness II?

Hi. The Darkness 2 is a game featuring a lot of blood in it. Most M rated games will have this. As for the strong sexual content that is on the back, it is a little overrated in my opinion. There is absolutely no nudity in it. I have already played through the whole game and at the time I wondered if there was a mistake in the rating. I sent them an email and it turns out the reason why they rated it that way was for the very short scene where you have to chase someone into a brothel and kill a few prostitutes and the man who you chased. Any game where you walk into a brothel (nudity or no nudity, sex or no sex) will automatically fit in the strong sexual content guidelines. On the other hand, this game should be rated sexual content because the main character does talk about having sex at one time and having a child. Besides that, there is nothing else except for the average things you would find in a game with sexual stuff in it. Here are some guidelines by the way if you ever have another question about this again: Sexual Themes: References to sex or sexuality (This can refer to a woman saying you have to beat up her husband for cheating on her.). Sexual Content: Non-explicit or depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including partial nudity ( The name exaggerates it too much. This can result in something like getting down on a bed and making out with clothes on. ). Strong Sexual Content: Frequent depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including nudity. ( -Now pay close attention. The nudity would only appear if it specifically says "nudity" on the back of it- Every AO rated game filed has strong sexual content. Strong sexual content is really different between each game you play. You will often see games that are rated M like "Heavy Rain" "The Darkness 2" "RDR" and so on. None of these contain sex scenes but each have some sexual things in them. I will only say this once... ANY game that has sex of ANY kind is rated AO. No game that is rated M is allowed to have sex in it.

What is partial nudity in PC games?

It would be either a girl in a bikini, a buttocks or any sexual themes

Why does borderlands 2 have sexual themes?

There are certain references to incest and other sexual related activities within the game, although none of those activities ever take place

Why is la noire rated m?

Because The Following: Blood and Gore Nudity Sexual Themes Strong Language Use of Drugs Violence

Related questions

What does suggestive themes mean in a game?

It means explicit or sexual content not suited for young audiences.

Is there any explicit sexual content in George Orwell's novel 1984?

No, there is no explicit sexual content in George Orwell's novel 1984. The book focuses more on political oppression and surveillance rather than sexual themes.

Why is Niteflirt inappropriate for children?

Nite Flirt is a company that specializes in chat services for adults which feature sexual themes. The company advertises for adults 18 and over, as the content of the conversation is normally sexual in nature. Due to this mature content, it is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18.

What are sexual themes in Skyrim?

A sexual theme is something that reveals, implies, or hints, a sexual activity, sexual talk, or sexual items.

Can someone tell me when the sexual things happen in Stephen King's It?

In Stephen King's novel "It," there are several instances of sexual content, including a scene involving the young characters in the Losers' Club engaging in sexual activities. These scenes are interwoven with other themes and are not the primary focus of the story. It is important to note that the novel contains mature themes and is intended for adult readers.

Why is Grand Theft Auto rated M?

Grand Theft Auto is rated M for Mature because it includes many mature themes, such as:Strong languageSexual themes (prostitutes, sex toys, sex minigames, etc.)Violence/blood/goreUse of drugs and alcoholPartial nudity (in some games)

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What are the sexual themes in SWTOR?

As far as sexual themes within the game, few if any. However, gamer chat can get quite crude.

Why is cujo by stephan king banned?

"Cujo" by Stephen King has been challenged and banned in some schools and libraries due to its graphic violence, strong language, and sexual content. Some people have also objected to its depiction of animal violence and its themes of fear and isolation.

Can the bad stuff in Red Dead Redemption be turned off?

By bad stuff I am assuming you mean the rated M content? If this is what you are referring to, then no. There is no setting to eliminate blood or sexual themes etc.

What is mysims2 rated?

M for sexual themes

What is the difference between themes and morals?

the theme must be interpreted by the reader, while the moral is easily identifiable