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Q: What seeds attract liberty the moshling?
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How do you get Liberty the Moshling on Moshi Monsters?

Liberty is a Moshling in the "Worldies" set, it was created by Chaowzee in a drawing competition. Liberty was first made when there was a moshling idea contest on the Daily Growl. Liberty is based on the Stature of Liberty.061 Liberty the Happy Statue [Worldie] Black Love Berries, Red Love Berries, any Love BerriesTo attract Moshlings you need to plant three seeds in your garden. You buy seeds from the stand on Main Street or at the Port. Each Moshling has a different combination so you need to work out the correct combination to attract the Moshling that you want. Keep planting seeds until you work it out!you go into the magical Forrest and have the sacred sword of a thousand truths and defeat the fariy of magical elfs and you get librityLiberty is a statue Moshling. You you need to plant three seeds in your garden. Each Moshling has a different combination so you need to work out the correct seed combination for this one. You'll find seeds to buy at the stall on Main Street.BLACK LOVE BERRRYRED LOVE BERRY ADD ME sparrow0101ANY LOVE BERRYu get liberty by red love berry, yellow love berry, black love berryand please add demilavato1237 as your friend on moshi monsters please!You'll need to work out which three Moshling seeds attract Oddie. If you're stuck, the Moshi Monsters forum is a good place to look for hints and tips.

What are the combinations on Moshi Monsters for the plants?

You do not need a combination for the plants on Moshi Monsters. You buy the seeds at the Moshling Seed Cart or Super Seeds, then plant them in your Moshling Garden. Once the seeds grow into plants, if you have the correct combination of seeds, you will attract a moshling.

What moshling do you get if you have 2 Rox Flowers and a Hot Silly Pepper?

Rox Flowers do not attract moshlings. Dig up the Rox flowers to get Rox. Then plant more seeds to try to attract a moshling.

What is th seed combination for Blingo on moshi monsters?

To attract Moshlings you need to plant three seeds in your garden. You buy seeds from the stand on Main Street or at the Port. Each Moshling has a different combination so you need to work out the correct combination to attract the Moshling that you want. Keep planting seeds until you work it out!

What do you get with 3 pink love berries on moshi monsters?

To attract Moshlings you need to plant three seeds in your garden. You buy seeds from the stand on Main Street or at the Port. Each Moshling has a different combination so you need to work out the correct combination to attract the Moshling that you want. Keep planting seeds until you work it out!

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On moshi monsters how do you get librarty?

You need to plant three seeds in your garden to attract a Moshling. Each Moshling has a different combination so you need to work out the one for Liberty, the statue Moshling.

What 3 flowers attract liberty on moshi monsters?

To attract Moshlings you need to plant three seeds in your garden. You buy seeds from the stand on Main Street or at the Port. Each Moshling has a different combination so you need to work out the correct combination to attract the Moshling that you want. Keep planting seeds until you work it out!

How can you get libdy on moshi monster?

To attract this Moshling you need to buy some seeds from the stand in Monstro City and then plant these in your garden. Each Moshling has a different combination so you'll need to work out the correct one to attract Liberty.

How do you get liberty on moshi monsters or any new moshlings?

To attract Moshlings you need to plant three seeds in your garden. You buy seeds from the stand on Main Street or at the Port. Each Moshling has a different combination so you need to work out the correct combination to attract the Moshling that you want. Keep planting seeds until you work it out!

How can you tell if a moshling is there?

If the combination of seeds you have planted is the correct type to attract a Moshling then the Moshling will be waiting for you in your garden.

How do you get the moshling libery?

Liberty is part of the Worldies Moshling set. To attract Moshlings you need to plant three seeds in your garden. You buy seeds from the stand on Main Street or at the Port. Each Moshling has a different combination so you need to work out the correct combination to attract the Moshling that you want. Keep planting seeds until you work it out! The Secret Moshlings may require you to do something extra special to get them, such as find a secret code or complete a mission.

How do you get the moshling librity?

Liberty is part of the Worldies Moshling set. To attract Moshlings you need to plant three seeds in your garden. You buy seeds from the stand on Main Street or at the Port. Each Moshling has a different combination so you need to work out the correct combination to attract the Moshling that you want. Keep planting seeds until you work it out! The Secret Moshlings may require you to do something extra special to get them, such as find a secret code or complete a mission.

How do you attract moshlings on moshi monsters?

To get a Moshling, you need to plant the correct combination of three seeds in your garden that will attract the Moshling you want. You can buy seeds from the stand on Main Street or at Super Seeds, in the Port.

Will your moshling stay?

If the three seeds you plant in your garden are the correct combination to attract a Moshling then the Moshling will wait for you in your garden.

What do you have to be to get a moshling?

You can do several things to get a moshling: plant seeds to attract a moshling, become a Super Moshi and complete missions, or buy specific items to get a seed code that will attract a specific Moshling.

Are there any cheats for Liberty the moshling on Moshi Monsters?

To attract Moshlings you need to plant three seeds in your garden. You buy seeds from the stand on Main Street or at the Port. Each Moshling has a different combination so you need to work out the correct combination to attract the Moshling that you want. Keep planting seeds until you work it out!061 Liberty the Happy Statue [Worldies] Black Love Berries, Red Love Berries, any Love BerriesLiberty was also hatched from an egg for Twistmas 2012.

What order do you plant the seeds to attract a purple moshling on moshi monsters?

To attract Moshlings you need to plant three seeds in your garden. You buy seeds from the stand on Main Street or at the Port. Each Moshling has a different combination so you need to work out the correct combination to attract the Moshling that you want. Keep planting seeds until you work it out!