To attract Moshlings you need to plant three seeds in your garden. You buy seeds from the stand on Main Street or at the Port. Each Moshling has a different combination so you need to work out the correct combination to attract the Moshling that you want. Keep planting seeds until you work it out!
074 Prof. Purplex the Owl of Wiseness [Birdies] any Dragon Fruit, Pink Love Berries, Yellow Moon Orchid
you dont get one you just need to buy a love berry
put any mix in then get the big bit of icing and make it pink then cover it in berries
To get the moshling Rocky on Moshi Monsters, you need one pepper (any color), one love (any color), and one pink daisy.
Waldo (Rare) - Any Dragon Fruit, Pink Love Berries & Red Star Blossom
To attract Profprulex of Moshi monsters you will need:any dragon fruit,pink love berries andyellow moon orchid
There is no Moshling on Moshi Monsters that is attracted by a black Star Blossom, a pink Star Blossom, and a pink Love Berries.However, if you change one of the Star Blossoms for a Love Berries, and get a red Love Berries, you could attract Tiki.065 Tiki the Pilfering Toucan [Birdies] any Star Blossom, Pink Love Berries, Red Love Berries
any moon orchid any moon orchid pink love berries
any dragon fruit+pink love berries+red star blossom
Any star blossom, Black Love berries, Pink Apple Snap
Cali is yellow love berries / blue love berries / any magic beans , blurp any moon orchid / any love berries / pink love berries.
you can't get any moshling with1 red love berry and 2 pink love berries
to get duspin beaver on moshi monsters you simply plant magic beans red love berries pink and snap apple any
Purple snap apple, " pink love berries".... and the other one you will have to find out in moshi monsters magazine issue " 6 ".
065 Tiki the Pilfering Toucan [Birdie] any Star Blossom, Pink Love Berries, Red Love Berries
Both free basic members and paid members can get Tiki on Moshi Monsters. 065 Tiki the Pilfering Toucan [Birdie] any Star Blossom, Pink Love Berries, Red Love Berries
it gets u Stanley a seahorse