Catch a female wurmple
Or if you have Pokemon ruby (gameboy game) then just plug that in to your DS when you play Pokemon platinum. Go to route 205 Eterna Forest and cascoon will have an increased chance of appearing.
You can find Cascoon in Pokemon Platinum at Route 205 North, Eterna Forest.
You are able to get Dustox by evolving Cascoon. Wurmple-Silcoon-Beautifly Wurmple-Cascoon-Dustox
You can find Dunsparce on Route 208.
You find it on route 222.
route 206
You can find Cascoon in Pokemon Platinum at Route 205 North, Eterna Forest.
You are able to get Dustox by evolving Cascoon. Wurmple-Silcoon-Beautifly Wurmple-Cascoon-Dustox
There is not a route 233 on Pokemon platinum.
cascoon (051) can be found in route 205 near Eterna City. It is a purple cacoon sort of thing with spikes! Hope that helps!
It is in route 212.
You can find Dunsparce on Route 208.
you can find it at route 214
You find it on route 222.
budew, buneary, bidoof, wurmple, kriketot, hoothoot, silcoon, cascoon, gastly, beautifly, dustox
in Pokemon mansion in route 212
Route 221
route 221