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Q: What rod do you need to catch barboach on Pokemon dimond?
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How do you catch regice in Pokemon dimond?

you need a action replay

How do you get all pokemon on pokedex?

first get pokemon dimond and another ds trade wireless and you should get all the pokemon you need make sure you get a second ds as well as dimond game

Where do you find barboach in emerald?

do you know where team magma is in Pokemon emerald.meator falls you just use super rod in the water and you will find barboach if you just need to see him the fisherman next the fossail manic he has a barboach

What item does tocitic need to evolve?

in Pokemon dimond its a shiny stone

Were do you find Pokemon 80 in Pokemon Pearl?

You will need a good rod to catch Barboach in the water on Route 208, near mount Cornet, there is a waterfall. Go Right, Up, Left and Down from Mt cornet. Just have the HM ? Surf and a Water type Pokemon.( Not all Pokemon like Psyduck)

Where is no 80 Pokemon Pearl?

Acres is a lv 80 Pokemon its th elast event / no wild Pokemon over lv80

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Where can you catch a barboach?

To find a baroach you need to go to route 212 next to pastoria and fishing rod, I suggest the good rod

Where can you find a barboach on Pokemon sapphire?

Barboach is A sinnoh Pokemon which meens you can only have it in Pokemon Pearl,Diamond,Mystery Dungeon Exps of Time and Darkness Actually you can find barboach in sapphire, but you need a super rod. Some of the places you can find it is in meteor falls with the small parts of water, the elite four waterfall/ lake, and i think at the river with the man who gives you the TM roar near lavaridge.

How do you clear the Psyducks on Pokemon dimond?

You'll need the SecretPotion from Cynthia at Valor Lakefront I believe.

In the snow point temple there is regi gigas how do you wake him up you need regi rock regi steel and regi ice you can not get them on diamond tho?

you need to have atleast beat the Pokemon league once in dimond and you should be able to migrate.You also need either emerald version, Sapphire version, or ruby version catch regice, regirock, registeel then migrate into dimond version

Do you just need to see all the Hoenn Pokemon or do you need to catch them?

catch them.