Without specially breeding the following pokemon can:
Snorlax, Sudowoodo, Nosepass, Bastiodon, Bronzong, Bonsly, Tangrowth, Probobass, Landorus
battle the Pokemon you think has the move block or scary face and then capture it
You have to have a Pokemon that knows mean look or block. Then use the move and they wont be able to flee.
maybe you could use a Pokemon with the ability shadow tag eg. wynaut, wobbufet block or a move-restricting move
Prevents your opponent from fleeing. Trainers can't switch Pokemon
Use the HM move Strength.
battle the Pokemon you think has the move block or scary face and then capture it
Block isn't a TM. Pokemon can only learn it as a Level up move or an Egg move.
You have to have a Pokemon that knows mean look or block. Then use the move and they wont be able to flee.
maybe you could use a Pokemon with the ability shadow tag eg. wynaut, wobbufet block or a move-restricting move
Prevents your opponent from fleeing. Trainers can't switch Pokemon
the following Pokemon learn block; Snorlax, Sudowoodo, Nosepass, Bastiodon, Bronzong, Bonsly, Tangrowth, Probopass and Landorus. go onto the Pokemon database for more Pokemon that learn this move, and for Pokemon that learn it by breeding and by move tutor (generation four only)
If it's night-time or you are in a cave, use Dusk Balls, if you don't have a Pokemon with the move Block or has the ability Shadow Tag or Arena Trap, use a Quick Ball, and if you do have a Pokemon with the move Block or has the ability Shadow Tag or Arena Trap, use Dusk Balls at night, Timer Balls if the battle has lasted more than 40 turns, or otherwise, use Ultra Balls.
Yes, Bronzong can learn the move Block at level 33.
Use strength.
use the poke-flute to move them
It learns Block. Block is a move that prevents the enemy from running. Useful for the Legendary Birds ( only in Pokemon Platinum ), Mesprit, and Cresselia. Just be sure Bastiodon has a good enough Speed Base Stat. Ohterwise he won't be fast enough to use Block.
The most notable Pokemon that uses the attack move 'supersonic' is Butterfree. Other Pokemon that can use this move include Goldeen, Zubat and Aerodactyl.