Heart Scale does not evolve any Pokemon. You trade it to a maniac who will make Pokemon remember moves. In black and white, the maniac is in Mistralton city.
No, Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan are different Pokemons. They both evolve from hitmontop. Good Luck ^^
Gloom can! If you give him/her a sunstone it will evolve into a bellosom. If you give it a leaf stone it will evolve into Vileplume.NOTE: This is for Pokemon '''RUBY'''
You can evolve Seadra by trading it with the Dragon Scale
Mr pokemons house for exp.share
Well if you want to delete your pokemons moves you can go to the move deleters house. That's in Jubilife or Hearthome city I think? If you want to teach it new moves you can get a heart scale and go to Pastoria city. In one of the houses, there is a guy who will teach your Pokemon moves for a heart scale. You can get heart scales under ground. at the move deleters place or the move teacher in the game
no but he/her holds a heart scale
you go to the move tutour... in fallarbor town and also bring a heart scale
well you can get items that evolve pokemons in the poketlhon
No, Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan are different Pokemons. They both evolve from hitmontop. Good Luck ^^
Keep capturing pokemons, and train your pokemons so they evolve and become a new, similar pokemon.
yes to teach it achientpower and level it up and it will evolve into mamoswine
you trade it while it is it is holding a heart scale and is not above LV.30
pokemon do not evolve on pokemon colosseum
Gloom can! If you give him/her a sunstone it will evolve into a bellosom. If you give it a leaf stone it will evolve into Vileplume.NOTE: This is for Pokemon '''RUBY'''
teach it ancintpower& level up(use heart scale to the move turtor)