Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan are different Pokemons.
They both evolve from hitmontop.
Good Luck ^^
At night it will evolve into hitmonlee and at day it will become hitmonchan
you evolve it on level 20 into hitmonlee or hitmonchan
1) Get Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan 2) Get a ditto 3) Breed in 4 island 4) Hatch the egg - At level 20, it will evolve into Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan/Hitmontop depending on its stats.
get TYROGUE higher defense to evolve into HITMONLEE or higher attack for HITMONCHAN and it evolves at LVL.20
Either trade or evolve the Tyrogue you can obtain into one of them. Without trading you can only get one. I suggest Hitmonlee though.
At night it will evolve into hitmonlee and at day it will become hitmonchan
you evolve it on level 20 into hitmonlee or hitmonchan
1) Get Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan 2) Get a ditto 3) Breed in 4 island 4) Hatch the egg - At level 20, it will evolve into Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan/Hitmontop depending on its stats.
You can't. You need its pre-evolution the Pokemon called Tyrogue. He can evolve into Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan or Hitmontop; depending on his upbringing.
get TYROGUE higher defense to evolve into HITMONLEE or higher attack for HITMONCHAN and it evolves at LVL.20
I'm sure you mean 'Hitmonchan' and to answer your question is an impossibility. Hitmonlee does NOT evolve into a Hitmonchan. They're two differently categorized Pokemon that just happen to be placed right next to each other in number, but they have no connection for evolution.
Either trade or evolve the Tyrogue you can obtain into one of them. Without trading you can only get one. I suggest Hitmonlee though.
it will evolve at level 20. if its attack and defense are the same it will become hitmontop. if its attack is higher i believe it becomes hitmonchan. if its defense is higher i believe it will become hitmonlee.
It evolves into Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, or Hitmontop at level 20. If its attack is higher than its defense, it will become Hitmonlee. If its defense is higher than its attack, then it becomes Hitmonchan. If its defense and attack are the same, its a Hitmontop.
It gOes either one of the three from tyrougue but if it's hitmonlee then it can evolve again into hitmonchan or hitmontop
breed hitmonlee or hitmonchan in four islandBreed hitmonchan or hitmonlee with a ditto in the daycare.
Tyrogue will evolve beginning at Level 20 however it can evolve into Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee or Hitmontop depending on its levels, in the event of Tyrogue's Defense being higher than Attack then Tyrogue will evolve into Hitmonchan, in the event of his Attack being higher than Defense then it will evolve into Hitmonlee and in the event of both Attack and Defense stats being of equal value then it will evolve into Hitmontop.