

Best Answer

Use a ultra ball a master ball is a waist noo you and wrong sepeling idiot

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Q: What pokeball should you use to catch rakou?
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If you have a catch pokeball jush cach.

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a Master ball or alto of ultra balls

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Any pokeball will do it. The trick is to use a move that stops it from running away and then you can catch it!

Should you use the master ball on Darkrai?

you should use it on lugia. he is the hardest one to catch. you cant catch him with any other pokeball. you can only catch him with a master ball.

What pokeball should you use to catch darkrai?

A Master Ball with the action replay. Or I've heard that you can use a dark ball.

What pokeball do you use to catch moltres?

Any pokeball will work but an ultra ball is probably best.

Can you use any other pokeball besides a master ball to catch Rayquaza?

You can use any pokeball unfortunately it has a low catch rate so it can be difficult to catch it even with a ultra ball