Level 1- Scratch, Leer, Ember
Level 7- Ember (Again.)
Level 14- Mach Punch
Level 16- Fury Swipes
Level 19- Flame Wheel
Level 26- Feint
Level 29- Torment
Level 36- Close Combat
Level 39- Fire Spin
Level 46- Slack Off
Level 49- Flare Blitz
They can learn splash (lvl 1)....tackle (lvl 15) and flail (lvl 30)
thunder fang tunder discharge c harge beam
The best Pokemon to have in Pokemon diamond is Arceus because he has the best stats in Pokemon diamond. Answer 2 Marowak and Latios are better. Answer 3 Dragonite would have to be the best! It has great stats, is immune to a lot of types and can learn many moves like fire-type moves to deal with super effective ice-types.
If the boulders are smooth then you need to get one of your Pokemon to learn strength to move it and if the boulder is rough then you need to get your Pokemon to learn rock smash ( both of these moves require HMs to be learnt)
all i know is mach punch and flame wheel and taunt
It depends on which one is the female. If ponyta is the female, it will be a ponyta with monferno's moves. If monferno is the female, it will be a chimchar with ponyta's moves.
Go to seribi.net and they have everything there
The same as in diamond &pearl
the same ones in Hoen but it can learn brave bird and skyattack
go to pokemon.marriland.com then go to the diamond and pearl pokedex section and search mew. the moves pokemon learn in diamond and pearl are the same as yellow.
Depends on the Pokemon but you can go here to find out. www.psypokes.com/dex/index.php
Unown can't learn other moves besides Hidden Power.
Transform. 10 PP Then whatever moves the transformed Pokemon has (Only 5 PP of each move though)
Probably Staraptor. It can learn some really cool moves.
look online and search for online pokedex