Fast food delivery driver, fruit farmer, fish farmer, fabricator, firefighter, farmer, file clerk, federal judge, fashion designer, flutist, football coach, forest ranger, funeral director and furrier are jobs. They begin with the letter f.
Fennel is a vegetable. It begins with the letter f.
Fennel is a vegetable. It begins with the letter f.
Forerunner is a synonym for leader. It begins with the letter F.
The fax machine is a machine. It begins with the letter F.
"From" is a preposition that begins with the letter "f."
Fennel is a vegetable. It begins with the letter f.
anesthesiologist , anthroplogly
flying frogs is the only film that begins with the letter f
Fossil is a synonym of old and antique and begins with an F.
A book that begins with the letter 'F' is "The Fountain Head", written by Ayn Rand.
Baker, busboy, bartender, boatman.
John F Kennedy is a/an Politician,journalist