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Forerunner is a synonym for leader. It begins with the letter F.

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Q: What is a leader starting with f?
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What starting with f is an antonym of leader?


What word starting with f is an antonym of leader?

The antonym of leader is follower.

What word starting with 'f''is a antonym for 'leader''?

"Führer" with umlaut is the German word for "leader" and Adolf Hitler (starting WWII) was called "Der Führer", in a meaning of the one and only leader of the world - his status was close to a god. Like this he also held all the powers of state.

What is a compliment starting with letter F?

Fantastic or Fashionable can be a compliment starting with letter F.

Who was the leader of the US in 1961?

The current U.S. leader was John F. Kennedy.

What is the opposite for the word plain starting with letter f?

The opposite for the word plain starting with letter f is FANCY.

What is another word for completion starting with the letter f?

Finish is another word for completion starting with the letter F.

The temperature dropped 13F in 7 hours the final temperature was -2F what was the starting teperature?

The starting temperature was 11°F. Starting at 11°F, a drop of 13°F in 7 hours would result in a final temperature of -2°F.

What is the longest word starting with f?

Floccinaucinihilipilification is the longest word starting with F; it means the act of estimating something as worthless.

What current leader would choose to write an epic about why?

John f. Madden, he is the greatest leader ever.

What current leader would choose to write an epic about and why?

John f. Madden, he is the greatest leader ever.

What are characteristics of a good leader starting with v?

A good leader is vigilant. It begins with the letter v.