Ash caught Treecko in the seventh episode of the Advanced Generation serries
and the two hundred thirty first episode of the Pokemon anime.
Torchic, Mudkip and Treecko.
In the Hoenn Region, treecko evolves when he fought loudred who also evolved at the same time.Treecko evolves into Grovyle and then Sceptile.Whismur evolves into Loudred and then Exploud.
the Pokemon in the hoenn region are ones like mudkip torchic and treecko. others like poochyena wingull wurmple and shroomish and slakoth are also in the hoenn region. Pokemon like regirock regiice and registeel are Pokemon that show up in Pokemon emerald version for game boy advance.
I think its when ash is don at the Sinnoh region and goes back to pallet
The episode in which Ash meets Paul is the episode that is titled "When Pokémon Worlds Collide," it is the 3rd episode in the Sinnoh region and its overall episode number is Episode 471.
Torchic, Mudkip and Treecko.
Treecko is a starter Pokemon in the hoenn region. In fact, the best starters of all time! If you get one, I strongly recommend that you stop it from evolving.
In the Hoenn Region, treecko evolves when he fought loudred who also evolved at the same time.Treecko evolves into Grovyle and then Sceptile.Whismur evolves into Loudred and then Exploud.
The Pokémon Ash with him during his journey in the Hoenn region would include Pokémon such as his Pikachu as well as Taillow, Treecko, Corphish and Torkoal. His Taillow evolved into a Swellow and his Treecko eventually became a Sceptile. Ash had also brought back Bulbasaur for one episode in order to help out with the Bulbasaur that May caught.
Episode 700 of Pokemon is in the Unova region; the episode is called 'Scare at the Litwick Mansion!' and it is the 26th episode of Black and White. (Season 14)
Treecko is a Hoenn region Pokemon. You cannot catch him in Platinum because it is the Sinnoh region. The only way to get the Treecko is if you have the game Pokemon Emerald, Ruby or Sapphire and when you beat Platinum, you go to the Pal Park which is located at the south of Sandgem town and then to the east. When the Pal Park is open, just save the game and turn off your DS. Put your Pokemon Ruby Sapphire or Emerald cartridge into your DS and start your game. When you are at your Game menu, find: "Migrate from [Game Cartidge name]". You need 6 Pokemon to migrate, find your Treecko and enjoy!
the Pokemon in the hoenn region are ones like mudkip torchic and treecko. others like poochyena wingull wurmple and shroomish and slakoth are also in the hoenn region. Pokemon like regirock regiice and registeel are Pokemon that show up in Pokemon emerald version for game boy advance.
i think BLACK and WHITE
During Ash's journey through the Hoenn region, the Pokémon that Ash acquired were Taillow, Treecko, Corphish, Torkoal and Snorunt with Taillow and Snorunt evolving into Swellow and Glalie respectively and Treecko fully evolving to Sceptile.
May's Ivysaur did not evolve in an episode. It evolved into Venusaur while she was competing in Pokémon Contests in the Johto region and none of her Johto region adventures were shown in an episode.