Regirock is not in Mt. Coronet, but on the route above Resort Area, the route with the sandstorm in it. It is reached with the bike and it's entrance is very hard to see within the storm......but you can find it like i did. The only Regi in Mt. Coronet is Regice. Registeel is in Iron Island.
First you go get a life
go to orughburg city and go to mount coronet and surf across the body of water in mount coronet then go around a ledge and up some stairs then keep on finaly you will get to the sky pillar were you find palkiaSpear piller
First, you will need Surf, Rock Smash, and Rock Climb (and Waterfall if you want to climb the waterfall). Enter Mt. Coronet from the Hearthome City or Oreburgh City side. Make your way northward through the cave. You will have to go outside in the snow at one point. Keep rock climbing till you find a cave that leads back into the mountain, and the next room should have the waterfall.
Fly to Orburugh City Go north-east into Mt.Coronet Use Surf then Rock Climb to enter next part of the cave Then go to top left corner and go through exit (by the way you have to free the 3 mirage pokemon) Then go up flight of stairs find exit of the mountain Go to where you can use Rock Climb then go to where you use strength Enter Mount Coronet again Find the exit and Use Rock Climb facing left, keep going til you find a small entrance Then its just a few rooms til you exit Mt Coronet and Spear Pillar ahead of you Now you will battle Team Galactic Grunts Then Team Galactic Saturn/Jupiter/Mars Then Team Galactic Boss (Save Game here) Then go towards Palkia (Save Game Before BattlingFly to Orburugh City Go north-east into Mt.Coronet Use Surf then Rock Climb to enter next part of the cave Then go to top left corner and go through exit (by the way you have to free the 3 mirage pokemon) Then go up flight of stairs find exit of the mountain Go to where you can use Rock Climb then go to where you use strength Enter Mount Coronet again Find the exit and Use Rock Climb facing left, keep going til you find a small entrance Then its just a few rooms til you exit Mt Coronet and Spear Pillar ahead of you Now you will battle Team Galactic Grunts Then Team Galactic Saturn/Jupiter/Mars Then Team Galactic Boss (Save Game here) Then go towards Palkia (Save Game Before BattlingFly to Orburugh City Go north-east into Mt.Coronet Use Surf then Rock Climb to enter next part of the cave Then go to top left corner and go through exit (by the way you have to free the 3 mirage pokemon) Then go up flight of stairs find exit of the mountain Go to where you can use Rock Climb then go to where you use strength Enter Mount Coronet again Find the exit and Use Rock Climb facing left, keep going til you find a small entrance Then its just a few rooms til you exit Mt Coronet and Spear Pillar ahead of you Now you will battle Team Galactic Grunts Then Team Galactic Saturn/Jupiter/Mars Then Team Galactic Boss (Save Game here) Then go towards Palkia (Save Game Before Battling Fly to Orburugh City Go north-east into Mt.Coronet Use Surf then Rock Climb to enter next part of the cave Then go to top left corner and go through exit (by the way you have to free the 3 mirage pokemon) Then go up flight of stairs find exit of the mountain Go to where you can use Rock Climb then go to where you use strength Enter Mount Coronet again Find the exit and Use Rock Climb facing left, keep going til you find a small entrance Then its just a few rooms til you exit Mt Coronet and Spear Pillar ahead of you Now you will battle Team Galactic Grunts Then Team Galactic Saturn/Jupiter/Mars Then Team Galactic Boss (Save Game here) Then go towards Palkia (Save Game Before BattlingFly to Orburugh City Go north-east into Mt.Coronet Use Surf then Rock Climb to enter next part of the cave Then go to top left corner and go through exit (by the way you have to free the 3 mirage pokemon) Then go up flight of stairs find exit of the mountain Go to where you can use Rock Climb then go to where you use strength Enter Mount Coronet again Find the exit and Use Rock Climb facing left, keep going til you find a small entrance Then its just a few rooms til you exit Mt Coronet and Spear Pillar ahead of you Now you will battle Team Galactic Grunts Then Team Galactic Saturn/Jupiter/Mars Then Team Galactic Boss (Save Game here) Then go towards Palkia (Save Game Before BattlingFly to Orburugh City Go north-east into Mt.Coronet Use Surf then Rock Climb to enter next part of the cave Then go to top left corner and go through exit (by the way you have to free the 3 mirage pokemon) Then go up flight of stairs find exit of the mountain Go to where you can use Rock Climb then go to where you use strength Enter Mount Coronet again Find the exit and Use Rock Climb facing left, keep going til you find a small entrance Then its just a few rooms til you exit Mt Coronet and Spear Pillar ahead of you Now you will battle Team Galactic Grunts Then Team Galactic Saturn/Jupiter/Mars Then Team Galactic Boss (Save Game here) Then go towards Palkia (Save Game Before Battling
start from celestic or hearthome and go into mt coronet, and go up. u need surf, rock climb, and rock smash and strength. keep going through the second room and ull see a hole in the wall at the end, and keep going till u reach the snow, that's where he is
Go to Mount Coronet on till you find somewhere you need to rock climb up, you can find your way from there and, defeat Cyrus.
you need to get to the spear pillar that is the top of the mount coronet to find him
First you go get a life
you have to go to a peak of mt. coronet it is very hard to find but it is a certain peak of coronet.
There is a open spot by rout 206. You go in there and you see a spot were you can use rock climb.
In mt coronet. In the big room with the waterfall. GO up the waterfall and there will be a cave. The orbs are in the cave they are separated by a rock at the top of the rock is a stone plate.
go from where the first gym is (roark) go past the water and use rock climb HM needed: surf rock smash rock climb strengh
go to the cave from jubilife city not mt. coronet near oreburgh city talk to the hiker and you will get rock smash
heres what you have to do go left twice and then go down twice and use rock smash
(if they are breakable and you have the HM rock smash) go up to one and press A
There are several car review websites one can go to to find reviews on the Dodge Coronet. A popular one is cargurus. Autotrader also seems to be a good place to go to find reviews.
you get giratina after you defeat the ice gym. then you go to mt coronet. you the HMS surf rock climb strength and rock smash