go to orughburg city and go to mount coronet and surf across the body of water in mount coronet then go around a ledge and up some stairs then keep on finaly you will get to the sky pillar were you find palkia
Spear piller
You can get Palkia in Pearl, otherwise you have to transfer Palkia from Pokemon Pearl to Pokemon Diamond.
You can catch Palkia in Pearl and tranfer Dialga to pearl from diamond.
NO!!!!! YOU CAN ONLY CATCH PALKIA ON PEARL you can't catch dialga on Pokemon pearl but you CAN trade it you only get both in Pokemon platinum
some of the Pokemon are different such as diamond has dialga and pearl has palkia some of the Pokemon are different such as diamond has dialga and pearl has palkia
his level 47
palkia was not created until Pokemon pearl was released
You find it at mount cornet.
go to mount cornip
You'll find it in Spear Pillar.
go to the spear pillar
You can get Palkia in Pearl, otherwise you have to transfer Palkia from Pokemon Pearl to Pokemon Diamond.
palkia is on spear pillar search where to find palkia on youtube glad i could
catch or defeat palkia and go to lake valor and you Will find azelf
You can not find Palkia on Pokemon diamond unless, you use action replay that might not work or if you trade with somone that has pearl.
Yes you can. You can either find a picture of palkia in Cynthia's grandma's house (i think) or trade with someone who has Pokemon pearl and has palkia.
Well I believe you find them at the pillar..... :)
yes you can catch palkia in pearl and also dialga