Here's the list of moves it can learn from leveling up:
Ninetales and gulpin have like 20 moves each by leveling, starter pokemon also learn many moves by leveling A pokemon can learn better moves if you neglect evolving it for a while, vulpix can learn inferno at level 50 if you can hold out on giving it a fire stone until the . (Inferno is a great move)
Kecleon and Mightyena learn it while leveling up. Almost every other Pokemon can be taught the TM thief.
Pokemon will not learn moves while being raised in the daycare center. They will keep the same set of moves that you put them into the daycare with. However, moves that were missed can still be relearned through the move tutor.
Well, Metagross can learn all sorts of moves. I will tell you some of the TMs and HMs he/she can learn, and also some of the moves Metagross learns while he/she is leveling up. As Metagross levels up, he/she can learn[sorry,but these are not in order] Bullet punch, Psychic, Zen headbutt,Magnet rise,Take down, Confusion,Meteor mash and so on. In HMs and TMs, Metagross can learn Hyper beam,Psychic,Flash cannnon,Thunder[but I'm not positive about Thunder.],Earthquake,Secret power,Double team,Rock tomb,Shadow ball,Protect,Reflect,Sludge bomb,Cut,Rest,Flash,Return,Rock smash and Strength. There is many more moves, so I would suggest you go to Pokedex for all the moves. Hope this helped.
Egg moves are moves passed down from the father Pokemon when you breed Pokemon usually egg moves are TM's the baby if they can learn those moves will obtain them when they hatch out of the egg so whatever the father has TM wise or moves taught by a move tutor it will pass down to the child get it.
Ninetales and gulpin have like 20 moves each by leveling, starter pokemon also learn many moves by leveling A pokemon can learn better moves if you neglect evolving it for a while, vulpix can learn inferno at level 50 if you can hold out on giving it a fire stone until the . (Inferno is a great move)
While leveling up, Scrafty learns; Facade, (Level 45) Rock Climb, (Level 51) Focus Punch, (Level 58) and Head Smash. (Level 65)
when trying to reteach its won hidden moves to a heart scale collector: Fire punch Ice punch mega punch thunder punch Moves that it learn or had learned already while leveling-up or not: confuse ray knock off zen headbutt crush grip stomp superpower giga impact
It's not a tm but certain pokemon learn it while leveling up
No, Camerupt cannot learn Dig without a TM; it is required, for it can't learn Dig, while leveling up.
in all Pokemon video games (not sure about ranger) when you try to learn a move (when you already have 4 moves if not you just learn it) it say's you already has 4 moves and ask's if you want to forget an old one (and replace it with this one) say yes or forget move (ect.) then it gives a list of the moves you already have (there should be 4) then you select which move you want to forget and you forget it and learn the new move. (you can't learn new moves over HM moves) you can go to the move deleter or o to the move tutor
Kecleon and Mightyena learn it while leveling up. Almost every other Pokemon can be taught the TM thief.
yes but i havent played my game in so long i cant remember sorry
Pokemon will not learn moves while being raised in the daycare center. They will keep the same set of moves that you put them into the daycare with. However, moves that were missed can still be relearned through the move tutor.
Chimchar doesn't learn blaze kick through leveling. To get a Chimchar with blaze kick, you would have to breed your female Chimchar with a male Blaziken/Hitmonlee/Lucario/Smergle that already knows blaze kick. The easiest ones would be Blaziken and Hitmonlee since they learn blaze kick while leveling.
Yes, pokemon holding an everstone will still gain experience and learn moves like a normal pokemon, it just wont evolve.
I think you are mistaking "meteor blast", for meteor mash, or Draco meteor. Arceus can't learn meteor mash, but can learn Draco meteor by leveling it while it's holding the Draco plate.