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By leveling up, it learns Fire Fang, Harden, Ice Fang, Knock Off, Poison Jab, Sand Attack, Thunder Fang, Quick Attack, Fury Cutter, Faint Attack, Screech, Night Slash, Swords Dance, U-Turn, X-Scissor, and Guillotine.

With Technical Machines and Hidden Machines it learns Toxic, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Taunt, Hyper Beam, Protect, Rain Dance, Frustration, Iron Tail, Earthquake, Return, Dig,Brick Break, Double Team, Sludge Bomb, Sandstorm, Rock Tomb, Aerial Ace, Torment, Facade, Secret Power, Rest, Attract, Thief, Roost, False Swipe, Fling, Endure, Payback, Giga Impact, Rock Polish, Stone Edge, Swords Dance, Stealth Rock, Captivate, Dark Pulse, Rock Slide, X-Scissor, Sleep Talk, Natural Gift, Poison Jab, Swagger, U-Turn,Substitute, Cut, Strength, Defog, and Rock Smash.

By using the Move Tutor, it learns Aqua Tail, Earth Power, Fury Cutter, Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Snore, and Swift.

Gliscor can also have moves from when it was a Gligar.

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Go to Pokemon mar then it will tell u all te moves, evoloutions,and as well as were to find it hope this helped

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Unfortunately, No.

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