Lv 6-astonish
Lv 11-gust
Lv 14-focus energy
Lv 17- payback
Lv 22-stockpile
Lv 27-swallow
Lv 27-spit up
Lv 30-ominous wind
Lv 33-baton pass
Lv 38-shadow ball
Lv 43-explosion
Hope it helped!
No, But it can learn butt rise
it can learn Grass and Psychic moves
No.Magikarp cannot learn any TM moves if it evolves into gyarados then gyarados can learn TM moves and HM moves too. I Hope i helped you!
Magikarp can't learn any TM moves.
No, But it can learn butt rise
its called drifloon cause it drifts
it can learn Grass and Psychic moves
Of course it can learn dragon moves such as dragonbreath and dragon dance and also can learn moves like twister and waterfall.
No.Magikarp cannot learn any TM moves if it evolves into gyarados then gyarados can learn TM moves and HM moves too. I Hope i helped you!
a drifloon is a balloon Pokemon that can only be caught on fridays.It evolves in to Drifblim level 28.
normally medicham learn normal pchychic and fighting moves
Magikarp can't learn any TM moves.
Alakazam cannot learn any HM moves.
No Pokemon can learn more than four moves.
marshtomp learns good moves in level 16 he learns mud shot but u have to train so it could learn good moves or just maake him learn moves by tm.