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NOTE:This is for Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver.

ABILITY:Mold Breaker:This Pokemon's moves are not effected by foe's abilities during battle.

NOTE: Cranidos evolves at level 30 to Ramparados, so moves after level 30 can't be learned unless you do the evolution cancel technique.

LVL MOVE Attack Power Accuracy PP Effect%

-- Headbutt 70 100 15 30

-- Leer -- 100 30 --

6 Focus Energy -- -- 30 --

10 Pursuit 40 100 20 --

15 Take Down 90 85 20 --

19 Scary Face -- 90 10 --

24 Assurance 50 100 10 --

28 Ancient Power 60 100 5 10

33 Zen Headbutt 80 90 15 20

37 Screech -- 85 40 --

43 Head Smash 150 80 5 --

NOTE:Keep in mind that Cranidos can also learn a lot of tm/hm moves.

Check the link for full details.

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