In Pokémon Platinum, the moves that Rotom can learn via level up are Astonish, Trick, Cofuse Ray, Thunder Waave, Uproar, Thundershock, Omnious Wind, Double Team, Shock Wave, Charge, Discharge and its final level-up move which is Substitute.
You can trade them to the move tutors so that your Pokemon can learn different moves.
Go to and TADAA!! you will see what you were searchin for
Rotom is NOT a bad Pokemon his moves by levelling up isTrickAstonishThunderwaveThundershockConfuse RayUproarDouble teamShock waveOminous WindSubstituteChargeDischargehis moves learned by changing forms are:Heat Rotom (oven)OverheatWash Rotom (Washing Machine)Hydro PumpFrost Rotom (Fridge)BlizzardFan Rotom (Rotary Fan)Air SlashMow Rotom (Lawnmower)Leaf Stormgetting different forms of rotom requires a secret key wifi event which is now overgetting it on heartgold and soulsilver- just go into silph co. (saffron city kanto) with rotom first in your party go to the elevator rotoms elctricity will power the elevator and will take you to a room where rotom can posses some appliances.have fun with rotom- he's AWESOME!
go to the old mans house on route 228 he will teach starter Pokemon powerful moves
By using Sunny day, Hail, Rain Dance. Moves that It can learn
What do you mean? Yes, there are some moveset changes. For example, Scizor gains bullet punch, while Rotom gains forms that it previously didn't have, and each form also learns new moves. The level-up learned moves are pretty much the same except on a few pokemon.
The same as in diamond &pearl
Yes he can. For example, he can learn the TM Ice Beam.
You can trade them to the move tutors so that your Pokemon can learn different moves.
Go to and TADAA!! you will see what you were searchin for
if it was Pokemon platinum dialege leans arua sphere at level 92
all i know is mach punch and flame wheel and taunt
shards can be used to trade with other people. in return, they may teach your Pokemon moves. there are 3 move tutors in Pokemon platinum that will teach your Pokemon moves in exchange for shards in a specific color.
Arceus does not require an item in order to actually learn Grass-type moves, however it can be given the Meadow Plate in order to boost the power of these moves by turning it into a Grass-type Pokemon.
The best team in pokemon platinum is an Infernape, Staraptor, Luxray [third evolution of Shinx], Floatzel, Bibarel [make it learn all four moves as HMs] and Giratina.
Rotom is NOT a bad Pokemon his moves by levelling up isTrickAstonishThunderwaveThundershockConfuse RayUproarDouble teamShock waveOminous WindSubstituteChargeDischargehis moves learned by changing forms are:Heat Rotom (oven)OverheatWash Rotom (Washing Machine)Hydro PumpFrost Rotom (Fridge)BlizzardFan Rotom (Rotary Fan)Air SlashMow Rotom (Lawnmower)Leaf Stormgetting different forms of rotom requires a secret key wifi event which is now overgetting it on heartgold and soulsilver- just go into silph co. (saffron city kanto) with rotom first in your party go to the elevator rotoms elctricity will power the elevator and will take you to a room where rotom can posses some appliances.have fun with rotom- he's AWESOME!