It can usually learn egg moves. They are moves they get from there mum and dad Pokemon such as volt tackle, which can be gained when giving a light orb to the father Pikachu before breeding.
bellsprouts can learn it or pikachu (EDIT)** my togepi knows it
Pikachu learns Thunderbolt at lvl 26 in Pokemon Yellow.
i think you should try and get a bauityfly
Well Pikachu Doesnt Learn Volt Tackle In Pokemon Tower Defense but other's do but he may cause the maker of the game may add volt tackle to pikachu and other pokemon may learn it glad for the help!
bellsprouts can learn it or pikachu (EDIT)** my togepi knows it
Pikachu is much stronger. Rattata is one of the weaker Pokemon in the game. Pikachu, on the other hand, is one of the better Pokemon in the game. Pikachu will also learn better moves.
Pikachu learns Electro Ball at Level 18.
Pikachu learns Thunderbolt at lvl 26 in Pokemon Yellow.
You can't get it in Pokemon Crystal. Though there are Pokemon who can learn it like Dragonite.
Electric and Psychic Pokemon can learn itExample from Bookz:Pikachu,Raltz,ETC
absolutley not