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You can't get it in Pokemon Crystal. Though there are Pokemon who can learn it like Dragonite.

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Q: Where can you get hyper beam in Pokemon Crystal?
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Hyper Beam.

Where do you get hyper beam in Pokemon Diamond?

You can buy hyper beam at the Veilstone Department Store.

How do you get hyper rod in Pokemon Crystal?

In Pokemon Crystal, the Hyper Rod can be obtained by talking to the fisherman on Route 32, near the Union Cave entrance. The fisherman will give you the Hyper Rod as a reward for showing him a Red Gyarados, which can be found at the Lake of Rage. The Hyper Rod is a special fishing rod that allows you to catch higher-level Pokemon compared to the Good Rod or Old Rod.

When does Gyarados learn hyper beam in Pokemon gold?

Gyarados learns Hyper Beam at level 50.

Can only fully evolved pokemon learn Hyper Beam?

No, there are second stage and even basic pokemon who are capable of learning Hyper Beam.

Pokemon mystery dungeon 2 explorers of time why cant my Charmander learn hyper beam?

Charmander must evolve into Charizard to learn Hyper Beam.

How do you use hyper beam in kingdomhearts 1?

You can't use Hyper Beam in Kingdom Hearts. It is only in Pokemon.

How do you get 15hyper beam in Pokemon mystey dungeon blue?

hyper beam is not a TM. you have to have a Pokemon (like flygon) who can know it at a certain level hyper beam is not a TM. you have to have a Pokemon (like flygon) who can know it at a certain level

Can fearow learn hyper beam in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Fearow is able to learn Hyper Beam. It can learn Hyper Beam through the use of the TM, which can be bought at the Celadon Department Store.

What level does luxray learn hyper beam in Pokemon?

He never does. Luxray is a physical attacker, why on earth would you want Hyper Beam on it ??

How do you get ice beam in Pokemon Crystal?

There is no kind of TM in Pokemon Crystal version that can teach your Pokemon ice beam. The only way to get it is to learn it naturally.

Can all pokemons in Pokemon diamond learn the move hyper beab?

No, not all Pokemon in Diamond can learn Hyper Beam.