Scratch, leer, lick, incinerate, fury swipes, yawn, bite, flame burst, amnesia, fling, acrobatics, fire blast, recovery, natural gift and crunch
Simisear, being evolved with a stone, does not learn any new moves on its own. Just like raichu and similar pokemon, once you evolve pansear with the firestone, it will no longer learn any moves on its own. It is best to wait before you evolve your pansear, so it can learn better moves, and THEN evolve it. If it's already evolved, you need to use TMs and HMs to teach it better moves.
it can learn Grass and Psychic moves
Pansear is a Fire type pokemon.
Here's the list of moves it can learn from leveling up:Level 1- ScratchLevel 4- LeerLevel 7- LickLevel 10- IncinerateLevel 13- Fury SwipesLevel 16- YawnLevel 19- BiteLevel 22- Flame BurstLevel 25- AmnesiaLevel 28- FlingLevel 31- AcrobaticsLevel 34- Fire BlastLevel 37- RecycleLevel 40- Natural GiftLevel 43- Crunch
No.Magikarp cannot learn any TM moves if it evolves into gyarados then gyarados can learn TM moves and HM moves too. I Hope i helped you!
What monkey? What do you mean: mankey, pansage, pansear, panpour, chimchar... Look at Bulbapedia...
Simisear, being evolved with a stone, does not learn any new moves on its own. Just like raichu and similar pokemon, once you evolve pansear with the firestone, it will no longer learn any moves on its own. It is best to wait before you evolve your pansear, so it can learn better moves, and THEN evolve it. If it's already evolved, you need to use TMs and HMs to teach it better moves.
Pansear learns Fury Swipes at level 13
Work Up and Incinerate.
it can learn Grass and Psychic moves
Pansear is a Fire type pokemon.
Here's the list of moves it can learn from leveling up:Level 1- ScratchLevel 4- LeerLevel 7- LickLevel 10- IncinerateLevel 13- Fury SwipesLevel 16- YawnLevel 19- BiteLevel 22- Flame BurstLevel 25- AmnesiaLevel 28- FlingLevel 31- AcrobaticsLevel 34- Fire BlastLevel 37- RecycleLevel 40- Natural GiftLevel 43- Crunch
You can't catch pansear but you can receive him/her in the dreamyard in striaton city. the only way you can get pansear is by choosing the starter Pokemon oshawott.
it does it straight away when you use it on pansear
Of course it can learn dragon moves such as dragonbreath and dragon dance and also can learn moves like twister and waterfall.
No.Magikarp cannot learn any TM moves if it evolves into gyarados then gyarados can learn TM moves and HM moves too. I Hope i helped you!
normally medicham learn normal pchychic and fighting moves