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dragon breath safeguard luster purge zen headbutt

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Q: What moves can latios do when you first catch him?
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How do you catch latios if he moves place to place?

you ask a friend if they have one

How do you catch latios in sapphire?

How do you catch latios in Pokemon sapphire

If you catch Rayquaza before you try to catch latios on Pokemon ruby do you miss the chance to catch latios?

No...unless you defeated the Latios...

How do you catch latios in Pokemon pearl?

no you can not you have to trade for Latios

Is latios hard to catch in battle?

yes unless you have a master ball latios is hard to catch

Who wanted latios?

Uhh... everyone who could catch LATIOS.

Where is latios first?

Latios is roaming the region like Entei and Raikou so where you first meet it changes per game. If you are a girl in your game you will catch Latias. if you are a boy you will catch Latios. To get the other one that you didnt catch you would need the Egnima Stone, which is in a wi-fi giveaway. If you have it you go into the fossil mueseum and give them the Stone. When you go outside Latias/Latios will fly up to you and battle you. Hope this helped!

Where do you catch latios on soulsilver?

He is flying around in Kanto, you can meet him in any grass there at random (Check your map, it tells you where it is, but it moves quickly). I don't know how hard it is to catch since I used my Master Ball to catch it.

How do you catch a latios in heartgold?

Latios is only in SoulSilver. You'll have to trade

How do you catch latios and latias in platinum?

you can't, but you can catch latios in ss and latias in hg hg(Heartgold) ss(Soulsilver)

After you watch the news cast on latios or latias can you go and defeat the elite four or do you have to catch latios or latias first in Pokemon emerald?

If you saw the news on latios/latias that means you have already defeated the elite four and now you can catch the latis, you can still beat the elite four if you want but for fun catch the latis then destroy the elite four with them.

Can you catch a latios on Pokemon LeafGreen?
