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Rage(level 38), Take Down(level 49), Crunch(level 61).

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Q: What moves can granbull learn in emerald?
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How do you get granbull in Pokemon LeafGreen?

In Leaf Green you can't catch Granbull in the wild. Instead you have to trade it from Emerald or Colosseum.

Does latios learn any moves in Pokemon Emerald?

Of course it does

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What moves does ludicolo learn in Pokemon emerald?

nothing bum

What moves can Ditto learn in Pokemon emerald?

Only transform

What moves does mew learn on emerald?

the exact same on ruby and Sapphire

What moves can sneasle learn on Pokemon emerald?

Has to be traded from LeafGreen/Colosseum.

What moves does skarmory learn in emerald?

use the pokedex on it will tell you

What moves does mew learn on emerald if you don't have ruby or sapphire?

any move

Where is granbull on Pokemon LeafGreen?

You must trade from Pokemon Emerald to get Snubbull on Leaf Green.

What moves will whiscash learn in the whole game in Pokemon emerald?

the best moves he can learn is hyper beam,fissure,earthquake,facade or hydro cannon (i think)

What moves does marshtomp learn in Pokemon emerald?

Marshtomp is a ground and water type of Pokémon in Pokémon Emerald. It learns various moves such as water gun.