

Best Answer

By Leveling Up:

Start: Scratch, Growl, Dig, Sand-Attack

15: Growl

19: Dig

24: Sand-Attack

35: Slash

47: Earthquake


TM 06: Toxic

TM 08: Body Slam

TM 09: Take Down

TM 10: Double-Edge

TM 15: Hyperbeam

TM 20: Rage

TM 26: Earthquake

TM 27: Fissure

TM 28: Dig

TM 31: Mimic

TM 32: Double Team

TM 34: Bide

TM 44: Rest

TM 48: Rock Slide

HM 01: Cut

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Q: What moves can dugtrio learn in Pokemon Blue?
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Which Pokemon can use cut in Pokemon Blue?

In Generation I (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow), the Pokemon who can use cut are: Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Beedrill, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebell, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Farfetch'd, Krabby, Kingler, Lickitung, Tangele, Scyther, Pinsir, and Mew. In Pokemon Yellow, Kabutops, Diglett, and Dugtrio can also learn Cut.

How do you delete HM moves in Pokemon Blue?

There is no move deleter in Pokemon Blue - however, there are Gameboy Genie and GameShark codes to aid in the removal of HM moves from the early games.

What moves does dratini learn in Pokemon Blue?

StartWrapNormal1585%20StartLeerNormal-100%3010Thunder WaveElectric-100%2020AgilityPsychic--%3030SlamNormal8075%2040Dragon RageDragon-100%1050Hyper BeamNormal15090%5

What level does diglett evolve?

Diglett evolves into Dugtrio starting at level 26.Diglett is #50 in the National Pokedex, and was introduced in the Generation I Pokemon titles (Red, Blue, and Yellow) where it could be found in Diglett's Cave. In Generation VI (X and Y), you can find Dugtrio on Route 13, and breed a Diglett from there.It evolves into dugtrio at level 26.

When does diglett evolve?

Diglett evolves into Dugtrio starting at level 26. Diglett is #50 in the National Pokedex, and was introduced in the Generation I Pokemon titles (Red, Blue, and Yellow) where it could be found in Diglett's Cave. In Generation VI (X and Y), you can find Dugtrio on Route 13, and breed a Diglett from there.

Related questions

Do your Pokemon gain moves in day care in original red and blue?

If they are not level 100, they have the ability to level up and learn moves that you don't want your Pokemon to know. My advice is that you keep your Pokemon with you. You can keep a Ditto in there if you want because Ditto cannot learn any other moves beside Transform.

How do you change moves on Pokemon Blue?

That depends on what you mean. If you mean change the order that the moves are listed, press Select while in battle in your Attack menu. If you mean learning new moves, simply level up to certain levels (depending on the Pokemon) and you will learn it, or use TMs and HMs to automatically learn moves.

What would be a great team for Pokemon Blue?

I use Charizard, Lapras, Dragonite, Dugtrio, Raichu/Electabuzz, and Alakazam/Mewtwo.

Which Pokemon can use cut in Pokemon Blue?

In Generation I (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow), the Pokemon who can use cut are: Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Beedrill, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebell, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Farfetch'd, Krabby, Kingler, Lickitung, Tangele, Scyther, Pinsir, and Mew. In Pokemon Yellow, Kabutops, Diglett, and Dugtrio can also learn Cut.

Who is Giovanni in Pokemon?

red/blue rhyhorn,dugtrio,nidoking,nidoqueen,rhydon yellow dugtrio,persian,nidoqueen,nidoking,rhydon

How do you delete HM moves in Pokemon Blue?

There is no move deleter in Pokemon Blue - however, there are Gameboy Genie and GameShark codes to aid in the removal of HM moves from the early games.

What moves does dratini learn in Pokemon Blue?

StartWrapNormal1585%20StartLeerNormal-100%3010Thunder WaveElectric-100%2020AgilityPsychic--%3030SlamNormal8075%2040Dragon RageDragon-100%1050Hyper BeamNormal15090%5

What level does diglett evolve?

Diglett evolves into Dugtrio starting at level 26.Diglett is #50 in the National Pokedex, and was introduced in the Generation I Pokemon titles (Red, Blue, and Yellow) where it could be found in Diglett's Cave. In Generation VI (X and Y), you can find Dugtrio on Route 13, and breed a Diglett from there.It evolves into dugtrio at level 26.

What Pokemon can learn fly in Pokemon Blue be specific and where can they be found?

bird Pokemon and they can be found anywhere

How do Pokemon learn old moves for Pokemon mystery dungeon eplorers of sky?

You can make your Pokemon remember as many forgotton moves as you want for 500p at the electivire link shop. It's the same in all of the other Pokemon mystery dungeon versions as well, except that in red and blue, the link shop has a different owner. From M

When does diglett evolve?

Diglett evolves into Dugtrio starting at level 26. Diglett is #50 in the National Pokedex, and was introduced in the Generation I Pokemon titles (Red, Blue, and Yellow) where it could be found in Diglett's Cave. In Generation VI (X and Y), you can find Dugtrio on Route 13, and breed a Diglett from there.

What moves does mr mime learn in Pokemon Blue?

Mr.mime's moves: level move - barrier 15 confusion 23 light screen 31 double slap 39 meditate 47 substitute For more info click link below.