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Scratch and leer lv.1 ember lv.7 and taunt lv.9

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Q: What moves can chimchar learn in platinum?
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What moves does chimchar learn?

Some moves that Chimchar can learn include ember, fire spin, nasty plot, and flamethrower. Others are leer, and torment. Chimchar is a Chimp Pokemon.

Where to get chimchar in platinum?

Chimchar will be at start mountain.

How does chimchar learn blaze kick?

Chimchar can learn the move Blaze Kick from breeding. Simply breed a male Hitmonlee or Blaziken that knows Blaze Kick with a female Chimchar. The resulting Chimchar that hatches from the egg should now have Blaze Kick as one of it's moves.

What moves can chimchar learn?

chimchar learns ember at lvl 7 and taunt at lvl 9 then evolves at lvl 14 and learns mach punch

What Pokemon should you have in platinum?

For my Platinum game i started off with Chimchar. He is quite strong and when he evolves to Monferno, he learns fighting moves. I suggest you should evolve Chimchar *If you start with him* before you get to the first Gym. Also, when Monferno evolves into Infernape, its stats are quite strong. I suggest Chimchar for your starter. D:

Pokemon When does chimchar learn dig?

it doesnt go to veilstone go to cave south the TM dig will be there if you want to see the moves that chimchar learns go onto

Where do you catch the Pokémon chimchar on Pokémon platimon?

You can't catch chimchar in platinum.

How do you get chimchar in pokemon heartgold?

You can get a Chimchar if you trade it from games Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.

What moves does monkey learn and in what level?

What monkey? What do you mean: mankey, pansage, pansear, panpour, chimchar... Look at Bulbapedia...

Is it better to let chimchar evolve or leave as chimchar?

It is generally better to let your Pokemon evolve because they will have higher stats and gain stat points at a higher rate. The downside to this is that they also learn moves at a slower rate. If you want to have your Chimchar learn a certain move earlier, you should wait for it to learn that move before evolving it.

What moves can Snorlax learn on platinum?

headbutt, drozzy, and sleep

Is there a place on Pokemon platinum that tells you the moves your Pokemon will learn?
