I'd have to say it's fire because if you burn(fire) sand(ground)then it turns to glass which is delicate. in other words fire turns sand into glass which is easy to break.(true fact)
Ground Type moves are super effective against Electric Types.
Fire, Fighting and Ground Type moves are super effective against Steel Types.
Water type moves and Grass type moves. Electric moves will have no effect. Flying types and Pokemon with levitate ability are good as ground-type moves have no effect against them.
No, Ground-type Pokemon are immune to Electric attacks.
Bug-type Pokemon are strong against Grass, Fighting, and Ground-type moves.
Graveler is a ground and rock type pokemon, its weak against grass type moves, water type moves, steel type moves, ground type moves and ice type moves.
Ground Type moves are super effective against Electric Types.
Fire, Fighting and Ground Type moves are super effective against Steel Types.
Water type moves and Grass type moves. Electric moves will have no effect. Flying types and Pokemon with levitate ability are good as ground-type moves have no effect against them.
Grass type moves and ground type moves.
No, Ground-type Pokemon are immune to Electric attacks.
Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, and Ice type moves are strong against a Grass type Pokemon.
Electric moves are effective against ground pokemon but will do little damage... Water pokemon will have the most effect!
Ground type moves are effective against electricity
Ground type moves, rock type moves and water type moves are super-effective against fire type pokemon.