my opinion is the following: flamethrower, fire blast, will-o-wisp, and overheat.
Ninetales can't learn any moves on it's own. It learns moves as a vulpix before it evolves, or through TMs.
No, Ninetales cannot evolve.
you can't breed vulpix unless its a ninetales, use two ninetales or ninetales and a ditto to breed.
Ninetales is a Fire-type Pokemon, so it's weak to Water, Ground, and Rock-type moves.
Yes, Ninetales can learn Iron Tail (TM23).
Ninetales can't learn any moves on it's own. It learns moves as a vulpix before it evolves, or through TMs.
Ninetales can only learn Flamethrower, so I suggest that you teach all the Fire moves to Vulpix.
Ninetales starts off with Ember, but doesn't naturally learn any Fire-type moves after that. So, if you made Ninetales forget Ember, then too bad. Ninetales can learn lots of Fire-type TMs. It can learn, TM11, TM35, TM38, TM50, TM61.
I would say flamethrower, sunny day, psychic if possible, and solar beam.
Ninetales was created in 1996.
No, Ninetales cannot evolve.
you can't breed vulpix unless its a ninetales, use two ninetales or ninetales and a ditto to breed.
Ninetales is a Fire-type Pokemon, so it's weak to Water, Ground, and Rock-type moves.
StartNasty PlotDarkStatus--%20Cute0 StartQuick AttackNormalPhysical40100%30Cool2 ♥♥StartConfuse RayGhostStatus-100%10Smart2 ♥♥StartSafeguardNormalStatus--%25Beauty2 ♥♥StartEmberFireSpecial40100%25Beauty3 ♥♥♥
Moltres Charizard Arcanine Ninetales Rapidash Flareon
Yes, Ninetales can learn Iron Tail (TM23).
Ninetales is #38 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fire type Pokemon.