For Season 1 you can get Lady GooGoo, Wurley, Plinky, Cherry Bomb, Holga, Penny, Tiamo, Gabby, Tomba, and Wallop for completing the Super Moshi Missions for Season 1.
So far, for Season 2, you can get CocoLoco, Rofl, Woolly, Pocito, Tingaling, Bobbi SingSong, and Scarlet O'Haira.
You have to wait until Season 3 Super Moshi Missions are released. Currently (July 2012) Moshi Monsters is releasing Season 2 of Super Moshi Missions.
Sorry, you can't. So far, the only way to get moshlings is with planting a combination of three seeds or completing a Super Moshi Mission or with a code that gives you one of the seeds needed for a Secret Moshling.
You have to complete a number of Super Moshi Missions before you get a badge. You have to be a paid Moshi Member to complete Super Moshi Missions.
Season 2 of the Super Moshi Missions has started!
You have to be a paid Moshi Member to get Super Moshi Missions on Moshi Monsters. Super Moshi Missions are given to you by the Elder Furi in the Super Moshi HQ, which is located in the Volcano. You can also watch the Daily Growl on Moshi Monsters as they will post a link to each new Super Moshi Mission when it is released.
No. You have to attract the moshlings one at a time. Or, if you are a paid Moshi Member, you can get moshlings by completing Super Moshi Missions.
You have to wait until Season 3 Super Moshi Missions are released. Currently (July 2012) Moshi Monsters is releasing Season 2 of Super Moshi Missions.
There is no way to get all of the moshlings on Moshi Monsters without planting seeds. Most of the moshlings are attracted by specific combinations of seeds and color of flowers. Other moshlings come when you complete a Super Moshi Mission. You have to be a paid Moshi Member to completer Super Moshi Missions.
the only way is to get a member ship and be a super moshi and complete missions
In the Moshi Monsters game, you can not get moshlings in the stores. You plant seeds in your moshling garden to attract moshlings or, if you are a paid member, you complete Super Moshi Missions to get a moshling.
you plant super seeds anhd they will come or you can play super moshi missions to get a moshling add me mightyducky1
On Moshi Monsters, you can get a free Basic membership but with a Basic membership, the only way to get Moshlings is by planting seeds. In order to get moshlings without having to plant seeds, you have to be a paid Moshi Member and complete Super Moshi missions. Moshlings are awarded once a Super Moshi mission has been completed.
The lastest new Moshling on Moshi Monsters is Tingaling the Kitten of Good Fortune. New Super Moshi Missions should be released soon with more new Moshlings available.
On Moshi Monsters, the only way to get moshlings by using plants is to plant seeds. If you are a paid Moshi Member, you can also get moshlings by completing Super Moshi Missions or by hatching eggs that are found on Main Street.
You can get all four Zoshlings in Season 2 Super Moshi Mission 10: Cosmic Countdown. Note: You have to be a paid Moshi Member to complete Super Moshi Missions.
You can get moshlings buy purchasing certain Moshi Monsters toys that come with a code for a moshling. Some issues of the Moshi Monsters Magazine give a code for a specific moshling. You can also get moshlings by completing Quests or by reaching certain levels in the Food Factory.Paid Moshi Members can get moshlings on Moshi Monsters by completing Super Moshi Missions.
Zoshlings are Moshlings from the planet Symphonia. Zoshlings are first found in Super Moshi Mission 1, Season 2 and are characters in other missions. The Zoshlings are: Captain Squirk, First Officer Ooze, Dr. C Fingz or Zoshlingo, and Splutnik. Zoshlings have been released as Moshlings in Season 2 Super Moshi Mission 10: Cosmic Countdown. You have to be a paid Moshi Member to complete Super Moshi Missions.