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Sorry, you can't. So far, the only way to get moshlings is with planting a combination of three seeds or completing a Super Moshi Mission or with a code that gives you one of the seeds needed for a Secret Moshling.

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Q: How do you get moshlings on moshi monsters with no seeds or missions?
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What seeds do you plant to get un-rare moshlings on moshi monsters?

There are no "un-rare" moshlings on Moshi Monsters. The moshlings are rated Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Ultra-Rare.

What plants do you have to plant on Moshi Monsters?

The kind of seeds you need depend on the moshling you are trying to attract. Seeds to grow the flowers can be bought from the Moshling Seed Cart on Main Street or Super Seeds (paid members) at the Port. You get some moshlings when you complete Super Moshi Missions. You have to be a paid Moshi Member to be a Super Moshi.

What are all the ways to get moshlings on Moshi Monsters?

1) Free Basic Members and paid Moshi Members can get moshlings by growing flowers that attract them. Seeds to grow the flowers can be bought from the Moshling Seed Cart on Main Street or Super Seeds (paid members) at the Port. Codes for special seeds come with certain Moshi Monsters products. 2) Paid Moshi Members can get moshlings by completing Super Moshi Missions. 3) Paid Moshi Members can get moshlings by finding a golden Moshling egg on Main Street. Take the egg to your Moshling Garden and incubate it in the Egg Hatching Machine to hatch a moshling. Nurtured eggs will hatch faster but be careful to only click it three times a day.

Were do you buy moshlings in moshi monsters?

You don't buy them. You should plant seeds to attract them. You can buy seeds in Main street or at the port if you're a member.

How do you get blingo with the super seeds on moshi monsters?

you can't you have to buy buster's lost moshlings to get the code and it is one time use

Related questions

How do you get all the moshlings on moshi monsters without planting any seeds?

There is no way to get all of the moshlings on Moshi Monsters without planting seeds. Most of the moshlings are attracted by specific combinations of seeds and color of flowers. Other moshlings come when you complete a Super Moshi Mission. You have to be a paid Moshi Member to completer Super Moshi Missions.

How do you get moshlings without planting seeds but using plants?

On Moshi Monsters, the only way to get moshlings by using plants is to plant seeds. If you are a paid Moshi Member, you can also get moshlings by completing Super Moshi Missions or by hatching eggs that are found on Main Street.

What do super seeds do in Moshi Monsters?

Super seeds help you catch rare Moshlings on Moshi Monsters.

What store do you go to get a moshi monster pet?

In the Moshi Monsters game, you can not get moshlings in the stores. You plant seeds in your moshling garden to attract moshlings or, if you are a paid member, you complete Super Moshi Missions to get a moshling.

How do you get moshlings without any seeds on Moshi Monsters?

If you are a paid Moshi Member, you can complete Super Moshi Missions and get some different moshlings. If you are a paid Moshi Member, look for a gold egg. Click on it and then go to your Moshling Garden to hatch the egg. Otherwise, you have to have seeds to get moshlings. Free Basic Members can only get moshlings buy planting seeds.

How do you get moshlings without being a member and having to plant seeds?

On Moshi Monsters, you can get a free Basic membership but with a Basic membership, the only way to get Moshlings is by planting seeds. In order to get moshlings without having to plant seeds, you have to be a paid Moshi Member and complete Super Moshi missions. Moshlings are awarded once a Super Moshi mission has been completed.

How do you capture moshlings on Moshi Monsters?

You plant seeds.

What are the 40 ways to attract moshlings on moshi monsters?

you plant super seeds anhd they will come or you can play super moshi missions to get a moshling add me mightyducky1

What seeds do you plant to get un-rare moshlings on moshi monsters?

There are no "un-rare" moshlings on Moshi Monsters. The moshlings are rated Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Ultra-Rare.

What are peppers on moshi monsters?

They are seeds, if you plant them they (with other seeds) grow into moshlings.

Can you plant moshlings in plants on moshi monsters?

No, you can not plant Moshlings in plants on Moshi Monsters. You plant seeds and, if you have the correct seed combination, the plants that grow will attract a Moshling.

How do you get two moshlings at the same time on moshi monsters?

You can not get two moshlings at the same time on Moshi Monsters. You can only plant three seeds at one time and those seeds will only attract one moshling.