None, because you have to scout the gigantes. Gigantes is a Rank A monster so be careful on scouting! I have scouted the Gigantes once with only 24%! So you can only scout it.
you can synthesize a silvapithecus with something like a drakularge but its far easier to scout (infant isle daytime)
Gigantes+Buffalogre I used them for ++ attack mine had 100 at lvl 1 =D
Mechan-o'wyrm & Drakulard
2x grandpa slime and 2x gold golem
Gigantes since you do not have to return it to your hand EVERY tun it is face-up.
No, it can only be special summoned initially from your hand by removing one earth monster from play. Effects that special summon monsters from deck, cannot special summon a monster which is 'special summon only' because these monsters have to follow their own summon method. So you cannot special summon Relinquished using Mystic Tomato, it has to be Ritual Summoned or otherwise summoned by a card that says it can summon Ritual Monsters. Likewise, Gigantes can't be special summoned from deck by an external effect, and of course can't use its own effect while it is still in the deck.
Gigantes and Buffalaogre
easiest is probably atlas, synth gigantes with moosifier
A Lvl 100 Gigantes HP is 2967 ATK 2159 Def 1795 Agility 963 Wis 901
infant isle day time, he's there about every 1 out of 3 times
1.moosifer + gigantes=atlas (to get gigantes a rank A,s or x or boss troll with some 1 in the beast family = gigantes) (im not sure how 2 get a moosifer i geuss its buffalogre + mahawker) 2.boss troll + gigantes = atlas (this is how u get boss troll buffalogre + gigantes that's how i got my atlas and boss troll and gigantes im just gonna find out how 2 get a moosifer and i will put it on here for every1)
just get a dragon based monster and fuse it with other monsters but make sure you fuse them into dragon based monsters
Gigantes+Buffalogre I used them for ++ attack mine had 100 at lvl 1 =D
Have 2 monsters (+) and 2 other monsters (-) the synthesis each monster with each other.
You must scout it. You can't synthesize it!
sadly you can't you can i Pokemon not DQM Joker 8(
Silvapithecus & Drakularge or just scout one on infant isle p.s. it is gigantes
rank x No way. I heard that there is a rank infinidy. actually the incarnus has ??? rank