Greater demons drop Rune Full Helms and Rune Kites
Lesser demons drop Rune Med Helms (Rune Helms)
Cockroaches drop Rune Square Shields and Scimitars
gold armor is called gilded armor in runescape and is gained through treasure trails
You can't trim armor on RuneScape if someone tells you they can trim your armor don't give them your armor they are scammers
I dont really know much about addy armor droppers, but from the monsters i have killed from slayer tasks, i have seen black dragons and greater demons drop some addy stuff. usually the only monsters to drop addy armor are tough so i would recomend you just buy it from other players or the grand exchange.
No, but you can purchase trimmed armor from members.
The next level would be rune armor.
There is a site called Runehq it has everything about Runescape even what monsters drop check it out. : -)
either you make it in daemonhiem or you can find it by killing the monsters there.
There is no such thing as dragonwarrior armor on runescape. If you mean dragon plate armor, you need to have level 60 defense to be able to wear it. Dragon plate armor has good defense bonuses, but it is a little expensive. To get dragon plate armor you can but it at the grand exchange or buy ir from players. Some monsters on runescape drop dragon armor but it is usually a rare drop.
gold armor is called gilded armor in runescape and is gained through treasure trails
Random Reward from Treasure Trail Level 3 clues ( dropped by high level monsters in members ).
they are in greenguards and the monsters are gell oh no,greenguard dragon,deathgrazer and greenguard basalik
You can't trim armor on RuneScape if someone tells you they can trim your armor don't give them your armor they are scammers
If you are a member on runescape them you should get Guilded Armor or Gunthix armor. If you are not a member i suggest that you get Rune Armor. (Gold plated armor dose not change the strength of the armor at all) Hope This helps =)
There is no "best" armor in runescape, but armor such as the "nex" armor (Torva, Virtus, & Pernx) are some of the more elite types. Nex armor is dropped by the monster Nex in the gwd.
I dont really know much about addy armor droppers, but from the monsters i have killed from slayer tasks, i have seen black dragons and greater demons drop some addy stuff. usually the only monsters to drop addy armor are tough so i would recomend you just buy it from other players or the grand exchange.
No, but you can purchase trimmed armor from members.