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No monster currently drops an entire dragon plate body.The three pieces of it are dropped by tormented beast's,the three pieces can be fixed together to make the dragon plate body with 92 smithing and a blast fusion hammer(1,100,000 gp). A player smithing the parts and selling the armor would make a profit of about 1,000,000 gp.

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Q: What monsters drop dragon plate body in runescape?
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What drops dragon chain body on runescape?

Dust Devils, Kalphite Queen and it can also be won through the "high gamble" option in the Barbarian assault mini-game, costing 500 points and a Penance Queen kill per gamble.

How do you lv up crafting to lv 99 fast in runescape?

that what u ask but there is no fast method you have to start from tanning cowhide and sowing it then tanning snake skin and crafting into coifs and body and then dragon hides till u reach Level 99 :p

What armour is best for a member on runescape that's lvl 40?

Well it depends what your defense level is, and what type of monster you will be fighting. So for example if you were to train on Varrock guards the best armor to wear would be a plate body(no chain mail), plate legs, full helm and boots of that armor type(depending on what armor set you are wearing) because swords use stabbing attacks, and plate armor has very good defense against stabbing attacks. The ideal weapon would be a mace, because varrock guards wear chain mail which is weak against maces as it has low crush defense. Please apply this to other monsters, as the varrock guard was just an example.

What do you use the body of a snowman for a moshi monsters mission?

During Super Moshi Mission 9 you use the snowman body to give to the snowman head (the snowman is Tomba).

What do you get after you finish the dragon slayer quest?

2 quest points, 18,650 strength and defence exp, the ability to wear a rune platebody and green dragonhide body, access to Crandor, ability to get anti dragon shields off Duke Horacio, access to melzar's maze and dragon crest on herald capes.

Related questions

Is there a dragon plate body in runescape?

Yes, there is they released it on 26th nov.

Can you get a dragon plate body in a level 3 clue in runescape?

It is possible to receive a Dragon Platebody and it just depends on your luck to see if you get it.

What are the rewards for dragon slayer on Runescape?

You get to wear the dragon breath shield and you also get to wear a rune plate body instead of a rune chain body. I think that these are the only perks

Runescape does a Dragon plate body denigrate?

If you are a member, regular dragon things will not desinigrate. If you are a free player, Dragon things will disinegrate, members dragon is red, and free players is dark red. Dark red disinegrates, and red does not.

Where do you repair dragon chain body on runescape?

dragon armor dose not need to be repaired.

Can you equip gloves with a plate mail top not plate mail body on runescape classic?

no you cant

How do you get a rune plate body in runescape without smelting it or grand exchange?

To get the rune platebody, complete the quest Dragon Slayer. Then talk to Oziach in Edgeville. He is in the last house if you go in to Edgeville from the Grand Exchange.

How do you get a dragon plate body?

At this moment in time the dragon plate body armour can only be acquired from smithing certain key items. Firstly your smithing level needs to be at least 90. Secondly the key items you need to get will be dropped from mithril dragons, which are some of the hardest enemies in runescape. You will probably need a party in order to kill them as at level 60 you will die very easily.

How do you get a black plate body trimmed on runescape?

Level 1 clue scroll ( Treasure Trials ).

Do monsters drops bandos chestplate?

The only monsters that drop Bandos Chest plate are the Bandos General and his three body guards in the god wars dungeon.

What is the best 1 defense aromor in runescape?

The best is a normal leather body and if your range is high enough dragon hide chaps.

How much should you lend out zamorak plate body and plate legs for on runescape?

whip is 3.5m and they go 10k per. hour, so i should imagine around 5k-ish.