For members, flesh crawlers drop dust runes, which are a combination of air and earth runes. For free users, I'm not sure. Needs update.
You click on the spellbook icon, then click on a spell to cast it. Some spells may require to to cast on some object; for example in the case of a combat spell, you must select what you want to attack. For combat spells, it is better to choose the "autocast" option (right-click on the spell), to quickly cast the spell repeatedly. Most spells require items called runes, which you must buy, find or make. Moving the mouse over a spell will show you which runes you need. The runes are used each time the spell is cast, so you need a relatively large number of runes. You can save some runes by wielding a special staff; for example, one of the most basic combat runes requires air runes and mind runes. By wielding a staff of air, you save the air runes - but you will still need to buy the mind runes.
no, air tiaras are for crafting runes (the reason being that you could wear it and save a space for essence), if you want unlimited air runes buy and equip an air staff. This will give you the equivilent of infinity air runes when casting spells as long as you have it equipped. Remember to say thank you to everyone deserving this Christmas. ::)
It depends on how many runes are needed. For example: For Wind Wave, you will need Air Runes and Blood Runes. If you have any type of staff of Air, you will need 1 slot. All other spells will need at least 2 spots, 1 Air/Element rune (depending on the staff) and the combat rune (Mind, Chaos, Death, and Blood). The only exception is Water spells, as a Tome of Frost can be used from dungeoneering, combined with an air staff and you will only need the combat rune. For Ancients, You will need space for water runes, air runes, fire runes, soul runes, blood runes, death runes, and maybe chaos runes if you are level 50-72. The ancient staff is recommended or better (best is Staff of Light) Another note would be if you only cast 1 type of spell, you only need 3-4 spaces (4 for Smoke, 3 for Shadow, Blood, and Ice). Note you may also consider law runes to Teleport, or teletabs (teleports are recommended as you will already have runes) Cosmic runes will be needed with normal spellbook if you plan to alch items. Again on normal, if you plan to bind/weaken enemies you will need nature/body runes. On Lunar or High Level Normal, you will need Astral Runes likely. At higher levels, it is NOT recommended to use a staff of an element, excluding the Tome of Frost (As this is an off hand item)
Basically, yes. Different wands and staffs give different bonuses to "magic accuracy", with the result that you have a higher chance of causing damage, thus increasing average damage-per-second. This has nothing to do with saving runes. However, a staff of air will use no air runes for spells that require them; similarly, a staff of fire, water, or earth will save you the corresponding runes. Since the air spells only use air runes, you can cast them for free if you wield a staff of air. A staff of light, on the other hand, gives you a 1/8 chance to save ANY type of rune, so on average, it will save you 1/8 of the total cost. Please note that the basic combat spells - that is, most combat spells in the standard spellbook - are now fairly cheap - especially if compared to the time before the Evolution of Combat upgrade - since they use only elemental runes.
infernal mages drop 7 blood runes and death runes commonly.dark wizards drop all runes nearly every drop.lots of slayer tasks will drop runes.Cockroach drones commonly drop air, water, earth and fire runes. Cockroach workers also (uncommonly) drop nature, chaos and even cosmic runes. Cockroach Soldiers drop death runes (and if your a member rare blood runes) and a few others. The flesh crawlers found in the second level of the Barbarian Stronghold commonly drop body runes. Level 2 goblins in Lumbridge drop water runes. Lesser demons drop fire runes: one trip can get you almost about 150 fire runes). Moss giants will drop the occasional 17 earth runes.For more info check out the RuneScape wikia.
Mostly Fire runes but Law runes and Air runes are not far behind them.
Water and Air
Aubury's shop in Varrock will give out free air and mind runes.
You click on the spellbook icon, then click on a spell to cast it. Some spells may require to to cast on some object; for example in the case of a combat spell, you must select what you want to attack. For combat spells, it is better to choose the "autocast" option (right-click on the spell), to quickly cast the spell repeatedly. Most spells require items called runes, which you must buy, find or make. Moving the mouse over a spell will show you which runes you need. The runes are used each time the spell is cast, so you need a relatively large number of runes. You can save some runes by wielding a special staff; for example, one of the most basic combat runes requires air runes and mind runes. By wielding a staff of air, you save the air runes - but you will still need to buy the mind runes.
There is no staff like this.
Air runes cost about 12 GP on the Grand Exchange. They are probably worth about 20 on the street.
no, air tiaras are for crafting runes (the reason being that you could wear it and save a space for essence), if you want unlimited air runes buy and equip an air staff. This will give you the equivilent of infinity air runes when casting spells as long as you have it equipped. Remember to say thank you to everyone deserving this Christmas. ::)
You need level 15 runecrafting Have in your invent Fire runes and talisman or Air runes and talisman and pure essence. If you have fire runes go to the air alter, if you have air runes go to the fire alter then simply use the talisman on the alter. There is only a 50% of success, i recomend wearing a binding necklace to increase this to 100%.
At the air altar in Varrock.
It is Different from making Air, Water or other Basic Runes that you can follow the pull of their respective Talisman. There are Two ways to make a Dust Rune. You can take Air Runes, Air Talisman, and Rune Essence or Pure Essence to an Earth altar, OR, You can take Earth Talisman, Earth Runes, and Rune or Pure Essence to an Air Altar.
Any of the following staffsStaff of AirStaff of WaterStaff of EarthStaff of FireThese are the best because they give the most +magic and also give you infinite of the element in the name(Staff of air gives infinite Air runes (Unlimited air runes))
You can craft air runes just south of the Grand Exchange in Varrock