

What maps in COD 5 have tanks?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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downfall n seelow n dont know rest

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Q: What maps in COD 5 have tanks?
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Can you build maps on cod 5 PC?

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Ya I say no but my friend beside me says you can.

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no i dont think so

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you cant get them you need hardened edition

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Unlike Call of Duty 3,you can only use tanks cause i never see players using motorcycles,jeeps in cod waw.

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I got the cod 5 zombie maps by preordering the hardened edition. It comes with a code redeemable on the psn store

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if your talking maps you have to buy them off xbox live

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Can anyone Game share the cod 5 map bundle with me?

Do u have the black ops classic zombie maps

Can cydia get you free maps cor cod ww zombies on ipod?

Just COD Zombies. You can get all the maps by downloading the latest version.