Maps 27 and 28 after defeating the Kanto gyms and elite 4, like it says on the Pokedex underneath the Pokemon tab!
You must defeat all gyms and elite fours. If you have already done so, check the pokedex under the pokemon tab for specific map locations!
why not... check out this in youtube just type 'delugerpg cheats'
Mew can be migrated from Pokemon Emerald if that game was participated in the Japanese Mew event to get the Old Sea Map or have 999 Pokemon in Pokemon Ranch and Hailey will give you Mew.
in lilycove city go to Pokemon center and ask them all and one old man will tell about you to find mew ad he will gave you the old sea map or if you have a action replay use that hey that's cheating good luck because mew is not easy to catch
You can't find Mew in Pokémon Silver.
you cant you have to find him
on map 1
found on Maps 27 and 28 after defeating the Kanto gyms and elite 4 like it says on the Pokedex under the Pokemon tab.
in tall grass somewhere around 12 map
you get mew on faraway island from the old sea map at an old Nintendo event. now a days you have to get it from a gameshark.
You can't catch Mew in Pearl unless you have special map (you can find it at Nitendo events). Mew is located at Faraway Island. If you don't want to take the map from events, you can always cheat with Gameshark. . Greetings, -croman
You must defeat all gyms and elite fours. If you have already done so, check the pokedex under the pokemon tab for specific map locations!
why not... check out this in youtube just type 'delugerpg cheats'
you can find a mew mew power costume on ebay.
You get mew on faraway island by getting the Old Sea Map. Hope this helped!:)
after you beat gyms elite4s look in the grass in map12
you can find mew ichigo/zoey mew lettuce/bridget mew pudding/kiki mew zachruo/renee and mew mint/corina on ebay!