found on Maps 27 and 28 after defeating the Kanto gyms and elite 4 like it says on the Pokedex under the Pokemon tab.
Maps 27 and 28 after defeating the Kanto gyms and elite 4, like it says on the Pokedex underneath the Pokemon tab! ~BlueKat12
You must defeat all gyms and elite fours. If you have already done so, check the pokedex under the pokemon tab for specific map locations!
go to map somwhere in routes gyms or elite four
why not... check out this in youtube just type 'delugerpg cheats'
after you beat gyms elite4s look in the grass in map12
I don't no how to get the old sea map or chart but you must have fire or leaf In FireRed or LeafGreen, you have to beat the Elite Four before you can battle Mewtwo. You'll find it in the Cerulean Cave in the northwest corner of Cerulean City. You have to cross water, move boulders, and smash rocks, so bring Pokemon that can use Surf, Strength, and Rock Smash. Mewtwo is level 70.
in any game mew can be found in a glitch,in emerald you need the event item old sea map that will allow you to go to faraway island and mewtwo can be found in kanto in cerulean cave
You can find Mewtwo in the Cerulean Cave.
Mewtwo is at level 70 when you find it on leaf green.
Mewtwo is found in cerulean cave.
Mewtwo appears at Cerulean cave.
You can find Mewtwo in Cerulean Cave.