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White house
White mountain
Yes, yes there is: Keldo. A ledgendary water/fighting pokemon that you can only get in Black/White or Black/White 2
palpanelpailpainfulpalatalpalatialpastelpathologicalpayrollparcelparboilparalegalparallelparadoxicalparanormalpartialpascalparentalparasolpaternalpearlpedestalperusalpeacefulpersonalpectoralpenalperennialpencilpealperilperiodicalperipheralpersonnelpetrel (a black and white ocean bird)pedalpentecostalperceptualperpetualpetalpapalpeelphilosophicalphonologicalphrasalphysicalphysiologicalpiecemealpinwheelpitifulpigtailpinballpistolpictorialpillpivotalplimsollplayfulplentifulplatefulpommelponytailpoliticalpolemicalpolynomialpollpowerfulpoolpotentialportalpostalprimalpromotionalproximalpreferentialprovincialproportionalprovisionalprepositionalpracticalprayerfulprejudicialpresidentialproceduralprocessionalprobationalprofessionalproctorialprimordialparietalpracticalpsychologicalpummelpurposefulpullpunctualpupil
it depends on the version but on black or white muuna is one
Sheep are mammals. A Saint Bernard is a mammal.
the black starts at 199 and the white starts at 399
An animal that is black and white and starts with 'p' is the Panda.
The Tasmanian devil is predominantly black. it has a white chest stripe and some individuals have other white markings, but it is the only native mammal that is almost completely black.
The king starts on e1 for white and e8 for black.
Zinnia is a flower in nature. Zacamsotz is a cacti in nature.
White house
White mountain
yes, it starts out black and white then changes to colour and finishes in black and white.