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Q: What lvl does slowbro learn slackoff?
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What moves does the slowbro of Lorelei have in Pokemon LeafGreen?

The Slowbro of Lorelei (Lvl 52) will have these Attacks -Ice Beam -Amnesia -Surf -Yawn There You Go. Good Luck!

Where do you find slackoff in Pokemon Emerald?

slackoff is a move that heals u alittle bit the Pokemon that can learn it is slakoth. the Pokemon is located in petalburg woods hope that helped for more info on moves and Pokemon look at the site =]

What level does slowpoke evolve on in Pokemon LeafGreen?

level 37Evolves into a Slowbro at lvl.37Level 37.

Does slowbro learn hydro pump?

No, it doesn't.

What level does slowbro learn psychic?

Level 36

How do you make a slowpoke evolve?

If you want a Slowbro, get to lvl. 37. If you want a Slowking, trade it while it is holding a king's rock.

What Pokemon can learn zen headbutt?

Slowbro can use Zen Headbutt.

What level does electabuzz learn thunderbolt?

it mostly learn it at lvl 40+or lvl 51

What moves will majikarp learn in Pokemon diamond?

They can learn splash (lvl 1)....tackle (lvl 15) and flail (lvl 30)

In which lvl does Groudon learn solarbeam?

lvl 65

What for lvl evolve slowpoke?

It depends on what you want it evolves into Slowbro at level 37 or it evolves into slowking when its holding a kings rock and you trade it