Oddish and gloom are at lvl of between 26-29 although there are also oddish of lvl 12,13 and 14
too add on to that my oddish in emerald ROM evolved at level 21 but i don't know if that's just because its a ROM or whatever
Oddish evolves into Gloom at level 21.
Raise an oddish to evolve to gloom, or catch a gloom in the safari zone, then evolve it with a sun stone. You should get bellossom.
sleep powder is not a TM it is learn manually by oddish and gloom and poliwag and poliwhirl and poliwrath and milotic
Oddish evolves into Gloom at level 21.
catch an oddish and train it until it evolves into a gloom
Oddish evolves into Gloom at level 21.
Raise an oddish to evolve to gloom, or catch a gloom in the safari zone, then evolve it with a sun stone. You should get bellossom.
none...it evolves from gloom which evolves from oddish...its a third stage pokemon!
Nuzleaf (evolve from Seedot at lv16) and Gloom (evolve from Oddish at lv22)
in mossdeep city and some wild Pokemon have it ,too probally wild oddish and gloom
Oddish evolves into Gloom with a leaf stone, or at level 21 Gloom evolves: Into Vileplume, using a leaf stone on Gloom. Into Bellosom, using a sun stone on Gloom. ^_^
Oddish evolves at level 21 + it evolves into vileplume once you give it a Leaf stone.
it evoles from oddish
Oddish. It evolves into Gloom at level 21.